Chaos Begins

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"So your saying that Gaea is coming back along with her Giant children? Why?"

"Because we just defeated the Titans," Percy answered Athena's question.

"Yes we did, but why would she want to attack us after the fact? Why not help the Titans when they tried to rise? They would have surely beaten us then," Athena ranted as Percy rolled his eyes.

"No offense, but Lady Athena, you think way too damn much. The answer is simple really. Pride."

Everyone looked at him with confusion before he sighed in annoyance.

"Gaea is so prideful that she thinks she can beat us without the help of the Titans when she has the Giants. That is something most have in common. People are so prideful that they can't see clearly sometimes. It is a very useful tool for the enemy to have when it makes their opponent reckless and stupid."

"You just got told by uncle P's son Athena. Looks like seaweed is smarter than you," Apollo laughed at his half sisters enraged face.

Poseidon and Percy laughed at the daughter of Zeus and Metis.

Before she could do anything stupid, Artemis stole her chance.

The goddess of the hunt ran forward, punched Percy in the face, and flashed them both somewhere else.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Artemis's palace>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Percy didn't have time to react as he was punched and then flashed away and then punched again when they arrived to their destination.

Artemis just stared at him, anger clearly evident in her big silver orbs that radiated power.

Percy stared at her, then began laughing.

Artemis looked at him with a very confused expression.

"Why are you laughing?"

He suddenly stopped, his dark sea green eyes seemed to bore into her soul.

"Even after all of this time, you still love me. I would have thought you would have hated me for leaving, but you don't."

Artemis stared at him before she smashed her lips onto his. Percy smiled into the kiss, but their little make out session was ended when someone behind them cleared their throat.

"What do you think you are doing with my sister?"

Percy turned around to see Apollo glaring at him. "I'm doing exactly what it looks like. Question is, what are you going to try and do?"

Apollo took a step forward, but stopped when Artemis aimed her bow at him.

"No, Artemis. Let him try," Percy said, ready to beat the shit out of Apollo if he tried anything.

What neither of them were expecting was for the sun god to come up and wrap Percy in a hug. "Swear on Chaos's name that you will do everything in your power to protect her," Apollo whispered in his cousin's ear.

It took Percy a few seconds to get over his shock, but he quickly responded. "I swear," the son of Poseidon whispered back.

Instead of the usual thunder, lightning struck across the sky and the winds began to gather speed until the world's biggest storm had begun.

"What is going on?"

Percy grimaced before he looked at Artemis. "Go back to the throne room. Me and Apollo have something to do."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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