Monster Hacking

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5 Years Later

"Line up!"

Two hundred demigods instantly lined up in front of their leader.

Poseidon smiled proudly at his sons army. The army consisted of demigods from the gods and goddesses of his court and he was proud to say that his son had trained them into a perfect fighting machine.

"You have done well Percy. I am positive that you will be rewarded for helping us win this war and if not from Zeus then definitely from me. I will try to find more demigods that have power over water."

Percy nodded to his father, a sad look on his face.

Poseidon sighed. He knew his son liked the daughter of Zeus, Artemis, but that was a complicated thing. His brother would definitely try and kill Percy unless Artemis is able to stop him. The other things is that Percy doesn't know if she likes him back.

"Yes father and thank you for all of the help you have given me. I will do my best to help Olympus win this war. I only need one thing," Percy said as he looked at his father.

"Yes you can go and visit her. I will have your army keep training here while your busy," his father said with a knowing smirk.

"Sometimes I hate you."

"Just hurry up and leave before I change my mind."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>City of Athens>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

It had been five long years of recruitment for Artemis.

In that long span of time she had been able to recruit a hundred girls into the hunt. Zoe had been made lieutenant of the hunt and the goddesses closest friend.

Right now she was just strolling through the streets of Athens. Merchants were selling there goods, brothels around every few turns which disgusted her, and sailors brought in their goods from across the seas.

Sea. That one word brought back good and bad memories. The times she spent with Percy, but also when he left to go and make an army for the war in a few years. She had been hoping that it wouldn't have taken long, but it had been five years and there was still no sign of the son of Poseidon.

When she realized that she had zoned out, she saw that she had accidentally walked up to the steps of the palace where the king of Athens lived.

Just as she was about to leave, a man came up to her and smiled evilly.

"What are you doing out here alone beautiful?"

His eyes were green and red. Strange, mortals usually only had one eyes color. Unless. "Either your a demigod or a monster so leave now before I blast you to Tartarus, back where you belong," she said, gaining a snarl from the thing in front of her.

The thing began to change form right in front of her. The skin seemed to be melting off, horns grew from the sides of its head, and a tail with razor sharp spikes that looked like small daggers grew on the end.

the goddess of the moon looked at the scene in front of her with a horrific expression on her face. "What are you monster," her voice quivering at the sight before her? This thing was unlike any monster she had encountered before.

"I am the son of Gaea, primordial goddess of the earth and I shall kill whoever stands in her way!"

When the beast went to lunge forward, a silver arrow sped past her ear and into the throat of the monster.

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