End of a Beginning

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Both armies clashed together in a battle for victory. Each Olympian picked one of their demigod children to fight beside them while the guardian's and their troops attacked from the other flank. Percy and the giant king himself still stood talking as war waged on around them.

Pophryion stared at the man before him in disbelief. "How could a little brat like you defeat my brother," the son of Gaea asked very confused.

Percy grinned and started walking circles around the giant.

"Well I like to think it was because he was too much of a mommas boy to understand true power and skill. Just because someone doesn't look strong or smart, doesn't mean they aren't. Your brother failed to realize that and it cost him his life. He's probably spending some father and son time down in hell," the son of Poseidon laughed at the trembling giant.

Lightning flashed across the sky and the winds began to pick up speed. "I will show you true power boy!"

Just as a massive lightning bolt came down to blast Percy from existence, a giant wave of water rose up and absorbed the electricity.

"This is power you son of a bitch. Since you love lightning so much, I thought I would give you a present," Percy said as he willed the water to move towards Pophryion.

The giant tried to move out of the way, but he wasn't fast enough as little whips formed out of the wave and lashed out with the electrical voltage onto the son of Gaea.

Pophryion screamed in pain as he was being electrocuted by his own lightning.

He tried using his control over it to attack the minor god, but his control was being blocked by something. "Have you had enough giant, or do I need to continue my playtime," Percy said as he stopped from his torture.

"How do you have so much power? Your nothing, but a minor god. The only way you could have this much power is if you were blessed," Pophryion panted.

Then it clicked. "You were blessed! Who would want to bless you? Your nothing!"

That shit eating grin started making its way onto Percy's face once again. "Well my father wanted me to have a better advantage and the Fates love me apparently."

The giants eyes became the size of dinner plates. "Impossible. Those three, cold hearted bitches would never bless anyone. I know, I tried to get them to bless me, but they wouldn't. They said I was too evil! What a bunch of bullshit! Its not fair. I should have that power."

He screamed in frustration. He was going to lose this war because he couldn't even defeat a minor god that had the power of a Titan and the brains of Athena.

"Time to die giant."

With that being said, Percy made the water heat up and then continued to dump it upon the son of dirt face. He screamed in pain once again as the heat and electricity burned him alive until he was nothing more than a pile of ash.

The son of Poseidon looked around the battle field to see what was happening, only to find his cousins and him were the last of the guardians. Their armies were locked in combat against the enemy. The Olympians were doing great on their side of the battle field.

Nico was using his army to charge into battle first while the eagles were used as air support. Jason rode the biggest of them, blasting the enemy with lightning. Percy decided that he should probably help his army out.

He took off at a fast pace, making it to his soldiers that were staying behind the army of the dead, shooting arrows down upon the enemy.

They needed to win this war and fast. "Soldeirs line up!"

Instantly two hundred demigods stood up straight, waiting for their leaders command. "We have to win this war and soon. Together we shall create the biggest hurricane ever. We will use this to wipe out the enemy and save many lives today. Are you with me!"

"Yes sir!"

He grinned. Time to kill a bunch of these bastards.

They all started on concentrating on all of the water around, creating a small hurricane that gradually built up over the span of two minutes until it was covering their side of the battle field.

Jason saw his cousins plan and decided to help him out. He sent his eagles to help the other side of the battle and jumped off the one he riding.

He landed on the ground, creating a crater that killed fifty or so monsters, and ran next to his cousin.

He used his powers over the sky causing it to start raining. The water gave Percy and his army a little energy boost because water healed them.

Nico was also watching what his cousin was doing and decided to try his best to help as well. He sent his army of the dead to charge into the enemy lines to distract them as the cousins worked together to create the biggest storm ever seen.

Nico used his powers to make a giant fissure in the ground that split the enemy army in half. He continued to make little cracks appear everywhere that tripped the enemy or sometimes made them fall I.to the earth if they got caught by the bigger ones.

The hurricane itself blew monsters and giants alike into the fissure that lead straight to Tartarus. Screams of pain and death echoed around the battlefield as the enemy was decimated into nothing.

When the giants and their army was destroyed, the Olympians flashed everyone to Olympus.


"We have had another glorious victory against the enemy! Now they shall know what happens when you try and take our homes, our family's, and most of all, our freedom!"

Zeus spent the next five minutes giving his speech. When he was done with his speech and giving out rewards to everyone that fought, he turned to the last three guardian's standing.

He smiled sadly at them. All of their friends had been killed because of this war. They were the last of their kind and it broke Zeus to see his son and nephews like that, even if he didn't show it.

The rest of the Olympains were weeping at the los of their children who became their guardians.

"We are here to award our three remaining guardians. Jason step forward please."

Many looked at the king of the gods in shock. He never asked for something so nicely. That's when they realized that this war had also taken something from him.

"You are granted with one wish, my son."

Jason tried to think about what he wanted. After a minute of trying to figure it out, he found is answer. "I would like your blessing father."

Zeus smiled at his son and granted him his wish. Next was Nico. He chi s the same thing from his father, who happily granted him his wish.

Last was Percy.

"Nephew, you have done us a great service. You may have anything you want."

Percy thought about it.

He found exactly what he wanted.

"Uncle I wish for the council to make my army immortal, like Artemis hunters. This also includes any future recruits. My father will have them swear their loyalty to Olympus."

Zeus pondered this proposition for a moment before nodding his head. "I agree. This will benefit Olympus if we ever enter another war."

"Wait you said your father would make them swear. Why wouldn't you make them swear," Athena asked, her grey eyes calculating all of the information.

"Becuase I am leaving for a while. I have things to attend to and I must do it alone. Goodbye," he said before he disappeared into a gentle sea breeze.

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