Sword of the Big Three

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Percy and Perses were flashed into the Olympian throne room just as the iris message cut off.

"Anybody miss me at all?"

Everyone, but Zeus gave off a small chuckle. Artemis on the other hand wanted to know why Percy had brought the titan here instead of just killing him.

Before she could ask the question, Percy dragged Perses by one of his feet and tossed him over to her father with little trouble.

Zeus looked at the young son of Poseidon curiously. "I have brought this trash to Olympus for you to decide his fate Lord Zeus. I know we didn't leave on good terms last time, but I was hoping to apologize for my mistakes earlier. I just did not like to be called weak when that is not true," Percy said with a slight bow.

Zeus looked shocked at the demigod before him, but nodded his head non the less as his attention focused on what was left of the titan in front of him.

"For trying to kill an Olympian and planning the downfall of Olympus, I hereby banish you to Tartarus for your crimes. Be gone filth!"

Hades snapped his fingers, creating a hole that lead down into the deepest part of the pit itself and Poseidon shot a stream of salt water at the injured titan that pushed him into the hole.

"Well I'm glad that's over with, but me and Artemis really need to get going so we can find a girl to see if she wants to join Artemis's hunt."

Just as both of them were about to flash out, Zeus spoke up.

"You can't leave without being rewarded. It would be improper of me to not give you something in return for helping to protect Olympus."

Percy seemed to be thinking before a huge smile was plastered to his face.

"Yes there is something you could do and its not that hard and will benefit the three sons of Kronos. I want all three of you to bless my sword so that there will be proof that you three can work together. It will show just how powerful the Olympian council is and it might help to scare some of the enemy away. So what do you say?"

Zeus pondered this for a few minutes when he smiled, something rarely seen on his face. "Yes demigod. That is a great idea. I think we should do it now. Just remember though, you will not have these powers. Only your sword can use them and it will only increase the damage the weapon can cause."

The son of Poseidon coughed loudly, making Zeus look at him confused. "I'm not a demigod, remember?"

Zeus face palmed. "Oh well. Let's just continue on with our plans."

Percy nodded and they blessed his sword. From Hades blessing, the sword absorbed the souls of whatever or whoever it kills and keeps them dead permanently, but if the wielder chooses, he can stab the weapon into the ground and the dead that have been killed by the blade will rise up and defend the wielder of the sword.

From Zeus, the sword will send out thousands of volts of electricity into the opponent, instantly killing it or at least severely wounding it.

From Poseidon, the sword can be used to call upon the wrath of the seas against any who oppose its wielder.

Percy bowed to the Olympian council before walking out of the throne room, Artemis hot on his heels.

When he made it to the entrance of Olympus, Artemis grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Where are you going Percy?"

He looked at her for a moment before anger replaced his happy state that he was in, but moments ago. "I have some things I need to take care of. I'm sorry that I can't help you retrieve the girl, but what I'm about to do will benefit you immensely."

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