"Something changed you, and i don't know what that something is. But, although you're the one whilo slew my mother...the truth remains that you once saved village, my tribe, my life. I want to believe that, somewhere inside you. There yet remains the man i knew that day." She raised her fan again.

"Goodbye, Gettan"

"Don't you dare mock me! Don't you dare!"

In a desperate bid for survival, Gettan's trembling hands clutched the vial, and with a swift motion, he ingested the crimson elixir within. The Diablos Tears coursed through his veins, a surge of power rekindling the embers of his battered strength. Eyes that once held despair now glowed with an eerie vitality, a testament to the unholy concoction's influence.

Yukime, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected resilience, prepared herself for an intensified clash. The air crackled with tension as the adversaries stood on the precipice of a final confrontation, each fueled by their own brand of determination.


"Ge-Gettan..." Yukime fell down with a wide slash wound on her smooth back.

"I should have killed you too, that day" Seeing Yukime's body lying in the snow made a memory from the past come back to Gettan's head. The exact same thing happened, where Yukime was also lying in the snow with a wound on her back.

"If i don't take from them, they'll take from me. Yukime!"



Victor, shrouded in shadows and clad in his mysterious guise, materialized with a swift grace. The audacity of his entrance disrupted Gettan's lethal momentum, redirecting the sword's trajectory towards empty air. A powerful kick from Victor's boot connected with Gettan's face, propelling him backward, and the force of the impact sent him colliding with the unyielding trunk of a snow-covered tree.

The collision resonated with a thud, the echoes mingling with the howling wind. Victor, poised with calculated precision, prepared for the next chapter of this clandestine dance in the snowy hills.

"Amidst the snow-kissed land so pure, Where whispers dance, and peace allure. Yet, shadows creep, a crimson stain, Defiles the canvas, beauty wanes." V opened his book, ignoring both Gettan and Yukime.

"M-Mr. V..." Yukime groaned in pain.

"Who...who the fuck are you?!" Gettan rose with effort, the sting of the kick etched deep into his being, dislodging a solitary tooth that clattered to the ground. An eruption of pain and indignation enveloped him, tendrils of fury weaving through every sinew. As the tempest within swelled, an unwelcome intervention further fueled the flames.

His gaze bore into V, a mad intensity mirroring the storm within.

"I have no name... I am but two days old. Who or what I am, it's none of your business, you trash cult scum" V pointed his cane at him.

"I don't give a damn about who you are. To think you would be so foolish as to voluntarily come out where i can kill you" Gettan gripped the blade of his sword with his palm, ignoring the blood and pain.

"Huh, on what basis do you say you can kill me? You won't be able to touch me" V changed his form to Nero Angelo. Gettan was shocked because he remembered the mysterious swordsman who had made him blind many years ago.



Victor lunged in a sudden surge of swift, calculated movements, catching Gettan off guard. The katana, still concealed in its sheath, whirred through the air with a deceptive grace. Gettan, reacting on instinct, swiftly parried the assault with his own blade. Yet, to his bewilderment, the sheathed sword wielded an unforeseen force, compelling him to press backward against the unrelenting tide of the unexpected onslaught.

Bury The Light In The Shadows II [The Eminence In Shadow X Devil May Cry]Where stories live. Discover now