Unsettling Winter

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The cold tendrils of winter had already begun to embrace Midgar as the dark night settled over the capital. The streets, once bustling with activity, were now hushed under the blanket of the night. Dimly lit street lamps cast long shadows on the cobblestone paths, and the occasional flicker of neon signs added a surreal glow to the surroundings.

Snowflakes, like delicate dancers, descended from the darkened sky, twirling and pirouetting before gracefully landing on the ground. The chill in the air was palpable, wrapping the city in a serene stillness. The soft crunch of footsteps on the snow created a symphony of winter's arrival.

The towering buildings stood as silent sentinels, their metallic surfaces reflecting the pale glow of the moon. The city's heartbeat seemed to slow down, and the cold breeze whispered through the alleys, carrying tales of the impending winter.

As the snowdrops continued their descent, covering the cityscape in a pristine white blanket, Midgar transformed into a winter wonderland, a silent beauty in the heart of the night.

"Brrr...even though it's not completely snowing yet, the temperature is already this cold." Victor sat in a cozy nook of the street vendor, steam rising from the bowl of hot ramen in front of him, creating a comforting warmth against the chilly night. The aroma of the savory broth and the mix of spices wafted through the air, tantalizing his senses. "Fortunately there was a stall that was still open at this late hour. Gosh, I'm really cold in the dorm"

The vendor's makeshift lanterns flickered, casting a soft glow on the snow-covered surroundings. Victor's breath mingled with the steam as he savored the rich flavors of the ramen. Each slurp echoed in the quiet night, a symphony of satisfaction in the midst of the serene winter evening.

"Alright, bon appetite" The contrast between the cold air outside and the warmth inside the small ramen stall created a perfect sanctuary. Victor appreciated the simplicity of the moment, finding solace in the hot noodles and the subtle ambiance of the snowy night.

As he continued to enjoy the delicious meal, the world beyond the ramen stall seemed to fade away, leaving him immersed in the tranquility of the snowy Midgar night.

"Mmm! So tasty!" With the last satisfying slurp, Victor finished the bowl of ramen, his hunger satiated by the comforting warmth it provided on the cold snowy night. The empty bowl sat before him, a testament to the delightful meal that had momentarily transported him from the wintry chill.

As he set the chopsticks down, a sense of contentment settled over him. The street vendor's lanterns continued to cast a gentle glow, painting a serene scene in the quiet Midgar night. Victor's breath, now warmed by the ramen, mingled with the crisp winter air.

Leaving the stall, he felt invigorated and ready to face the remainder of the snowy night. The distant sounds of the city echoed softly, creating a soothing backdrop to the peaceful moment. Victor took a final glance at the vendor, grateful for the simple pleasure of a hot bowl of ramen in the heart of the snowy capital.

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