
Victor, concealed within the shadows of the snow-laden trees, watched the unfolding scene with a discerning gaze. The enigmatic melody of the bells had guided him to a serene hill, where Yukime, adorned in a resplendent white kimono, stood as a spectral figure against the snowy canvas. Her silver hair cascaded like a waterfall, and her cerulean eyes held an otherworldly allure. The nine tails that swirled around her created an ethereal dance, casting an enchantment over the wintry landscape.

It became evident that Yukime, with deliberate intent, had orchestrated this meeting. The snowflakes continued their gentle descent, bearing witness to the silent communion between Yukime and Gettan. As the two figures confronted each other on that snow-kissed hill, the atmosphere resonated with an unspoken tension, a dance of destinies intertwined in the heart of the winter's embrace.

"Long time no see, Gettan" Yukime made a cold face at the wolf beastkin.

"Yukime..." Gettan gasped when he heard his ex-fiancee's voice after a long time, after the massacre of the white fox tribe many years ago.

"So, this is what you are now. Seeking wealth by being the mastermind behind the scenes" Yukime waved her fan.

"Cut the crap! What do you want?!" Getta started to get emotional.

"What I want? The thing I've always wanted to do since you killed my mother..." Yukime raised her fan.

"Kill you"




The sonorous toll of the bell reverberated through the snowy stillness, a prelude to the sudden dance of aggression orchestrated by Yukime. With a graceful motion, she unleashed the spectral elegance of her nine tails, each appendage a lethal ballet in the air. The ethereal tails, like silver streams, cut through the frost-laden atmosphere with calculated precision.

Gettan, anticipating the assault, strained his senses to their limits. Yet, the encroaching blindness, a cruel reminder of past encounters, hampered his ability to evade the swiftness of Yukime's assault. The tails moved with a fluidity that defied the laws of nature, leaving trails of gleaming silver in their wake. In a moment of vulnerability, Gettan found himself ensnared by the ethereal tendrils, each strike leaving a mark on both flesh and spirit.

"The legendary golden-haired, nine-tailed fox...if i had that power, no one would take have taken from me, or from any of us! And now you're using that power for no reason but to take from me, Yukime!"

Yukime's gaze bore into Gettan, a mixture of contempt and vindication reflected in her sea-blue eyes. Amidst the pristine canvas of snow, she stood as an embodiment of retribution, her silver hair catching the ambient light like a cascade of moonlit silk. There was a simmering resolve in her demeanor, an unspoken declaration that today, the echoes of past grievances would resound in the snowy expanse. The frigid air seemed to carry the weight of history as Yukime prepared to settle the debts that lingered between them.

"Are you done talking? This is the end. It's over now"

"Not yet! If only i had the money you took from me, i could still make this work! If i had the money... if i had the power..."

As Yukime gazed upon the broken figure of Gettan, a twinge of pity stirred within her. The once formidable Sword Devil reduced to a shattered semblance of his former self. Yet, no amount of remorse could temper the flames of vengeance that burned within her. The specter of past wrongs lingered, casting a shadow that surpassed any fleeting compassion. In the silence of the snowy hill, Yukime steeled herself, determined to forge justice from the crucible of her own suffering. The dichotomy of empathy and retribution played out in the cold tableau of their encounter.

Bury The Light In The Shadows II [The Eminence In Shadow X Devil May Cry]Where stories live. Discover now