Party Planning

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Oodle was all ready. He goes outside to wait for his bus. But he stopped as he saw someone that looked familiar.

Tivo: Hello sir!

Oodle: Tivo?.... What are you doing here?

Tivo: Well. As your possible future co-host, I need to make sure I get my Birthday Helper badge. So I'm here to be with you on your birthday!

Oodle: Well my birthday is tomorrow. But I could use some help. Especially with this party planning. So what do you got?

Tivo: Well I brought my two person bike. I'm going to take you to school.

Oodle: Oh really?

Tivo: Yeah. Hop on to the back.

Oodle: Okay!!

*Oodle runs and sits on the back of the bike. He puts a helmet on to keep him safe.*

Oodle: Alright! I'm ready!

Tivo: Alrighty then. Onward!!

*Then they both started pedaling. They were pedaling around the neighborhood. Oodle noticed the time on his watch.*

Oodle: Uhhh hey Tivo. Is there a way we can get to school quicker? I don't want to get there late.

Tivo: Oh so you want to take a shortcut. That I can do! Let me see.

*Then Tivo turns into a different direction.*

Tivo: Ok let's just go through this park.

Oodle: OOOO at least it is a nice view.

Tivo: And down this hill!

Oodle: Wait what?

Tivo: Down The Hill We Go!!

*And they rolled down the hill.*



*Now we go to Crayon Box who was also ready to go to school.*

Crayon Box: Alright time to wait for the bus now.

Red, Yellow, Blue, Green: Crayon Box!!

*She saw that her 4 assistants were outside waiting for her.*

Crayon Box: Woah! Hey guys! What are you guys doing here?

Blue: Well we heard that today was your birthday.

Crayon Box: Aww you guys remembered. But my birthday is tomorrow.

Green: Really? See I knew it was tomorrow. We keep getting the dates wrong.

Red: Well we need to get our badge that we assisted you on your birthday.

Yellow: So for today, and apparently tomorrow, we decided to take you to school!

Crayon Box: Hahaha!! Oh that's cute.

Green: No, we're serious! We're going to take you to school.

Crayon Box: How are you going to take me?

Yellow: We drive you over there!

Crayon Box: None of you guys can drive though.

Red: Not in a car. But in a go kart!!

*Then they pull out a blanket with the go kart.*

Blue: Ta-da! What do you think?

Crayon Box: No way! You guys made this!

Green: We drew it!

Crayon Box: Woah! It has 5 seats too!

Yellow: Alright everyone! Let's take the birthday girl to school!

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