Chapter 3

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In the middle of the night, you decided to wander around the school, unlike the rest of the students. You don't need a lot of sleep or even food or water for that matter

Though water has very little effect on your body, even when it comes to quenching your thirst, it has little to no effect

Thus, you eat, drink, and sleep every other day just to replenish your body. You don't do much of any of them either. You sleep what others would consider a light nap, eat what others would call a snack, and drink just a singular cup of water

You also can not taste anything due to the Rot killing your taste buds. Due to this, you see no reason to eat more than needed

As you wander, you couldn't help but reminisce about your brothers, one who is completely worthy of being the heir of their mother but is now missing, the other an older brother, he looked after both of you even formed an alliance with the dragons but he has died, all that's left of him is a gross monstrous husk of a corpse

You still remember the feeling of when you heard of Godwyn's death, but more importantly, you remember how the news affected Miquella, how he just shut down for a week, then to just dive himself into his work, refusing to rest

Even now, I'm not entirely sure of what he intended to do with all the research he's done. The most puzzling, though, is the HaligTree. All I know is that its purpose is to be a place for all, but the grand trees' health has greatly withered due to his absence, and my presence only made it worse. The once beautiful place is now dead

You couldn't bear the thought of the state of the HaligTree, how the beauty is now gone, and has become infested with those horrid rot worshipping creatures

Then there was the news of you apparently having children. Once you heard that, you wished to meet them wanting to hear their voices, learn what kind of people they were, support whatever dreams they wished to chase

Then you were informed of their deaths, how they have all been felled in battle, all girls, the last to arrive was aided by a tarnished warrior in a fight against her siblings

Then you remember how, for some reason, there was a tarnished that you, for some reason, pulled back your attacks on, even with this they fell by your blade

Learning of your children's fate has helped your decision to leave the roots of the HaligTree

As you left, you came across multiple aeonion flowers. You knew wha-no you knew who they were. You sat with each of them for a round an hour each, you found something different at each flower, the first some clothing, the second a few strands of hair, the third a pair of boots, the fourth a pair of gloves, and the fifth a prosthetic arm, one thin they all had in common was how they were accompanied by a weapon

You have each of these items in your room put up for sentimental value, then there is the curved sword of your mentor, you came across it in a carriage in the consecrated snow field, you were puzzled on how it got there

You were then brought back to reality by the voice of Ozpins' right hand

"Isn't it rather late for you to be up and around?" Asked Glynda Goodwitch, the stoic combat teacher approaches you

"I could ask thy the same professor." You face the direction of where her voice came from."Busy night?" The two of you walk together, no destination in mind

"Quite, what of you? Couldn't sleep?"

"Not in need of it tonight, my bodies anatomy is different from other people's, I don't need much of the necessities you all need, I can go multiple days without any of it before feeling any sort of fatigue"

"Even if that is the case, you should get some sleep. You won't be able to reach your true potential without taking proper care of yourself."

"If that is what thee wish, then I will indulge in these necessities of yours." Even as you say this, you didn't break away from her to return to your room

Though she didn't say anything, you both just decided to appreciate the silence as you both walked like this for some time until your professor decided to speak up

"How would you like to be my teachers assistant?"


"I am no fool. It is rather obvious that you have more experience than the rest of the students, possibly even more than most huntsman. What do you say?"

You thought of saying no at first, but then remembered how you wished to bond with your daughters, but not getting allowed that chance, you slightly clench your golden fist. "I accept thi–your request."

You couldn't tell, but Glynda smiled hearing this. Although small, it was a genuine smile. She was glad that you were willing to adapt during your time here

"I'll be sure to inform the rest of the professors. It may cut into other classes as I am sure there are plenty that could use you as a sort of goal. "

"I see, so I will be an obstacle to overcome. I will be sure to show them just how unprepared they are for reality."

"Due be sure to pull your punches. We aren't trying to kill them after all."

"It may take a few classes, but I'll see what I can do."

"I suppose that is the best I'll get for now. Besides your time in Beacon, how has your time been here in Vale?"

"Odd and confusing is the best way to put it."

"Would it be the same if someone from here were to go to these 'Lands Between'?

"It is likely, yes, but I would think it would be rather fear inducing for those weak willed as there is hardly a creature there that isn't hostile, then there is the fact that we have been at war for some time now"

"So they most likely won't be all that friendly to outsiders?"

You just give her a nod and continue walking, ending the conversation

A/n: Alright, this chapter was supposed to be out sooner, but my wifi went out, but the next chapter is also just about done. I just need to finish up a few things, then it'll be out if not later today, then hopefully tomorrow

Accursed Rot (RWBY x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now