18. 🖤

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Teren is the biggest asshole on this earth. Okay…maybe a little smaller then Ethan Kousier. Teren sat infront or Ethan who was under heavy charges right now but knowing Ethan he would become a free man again and if things didn't go in his favor he would drag everyone down with him. 

Ethan helped Teren years ago and he owed him his life. If it weren't for Ethan he would be rotting in jail. 

'Sorry I'm late' Taylor said, chest heaving 

Teren was surprised that Ethan had dirt on a man like Taylor. They were both Ethan's puppet…pathetic. 

'Listen I want you guys to do something for me, you'll have to leave town for awhile and get the black tom and find Allyson too and get her to come talk to me' 

'What you did was fucked up Ethan' 

Ethan sighed, he regretted it ofcourse but he was drunk and his mind was all over the place and he couldn't trust anyone anymore. He loved Akira and he would have never done that to ber if he was sober. 

Allyson. He loved Allyson too and his mind kept on replaying on all their happy moments. Allyson was his first love and he wanted to leave Akira alone but she was like a drug and he got addicted.

'We live in a fucked up world yeah but I dont need you to tell me that' Ethan said 'everyone's done something fucked up…nobody is completely innocent' 

'What are you hoping to gain from the black Tom?' 

'I can't go to jail'  Ethan said 'just do what I tell you'

Taylor's stomach churned. He was sick of being Ethan's puppet but there was no other escape for him. Hurting Mya was not on his list of priorities.

Teren's stomach was in knots. He loved Ethan and he used to look up to him but Ethan was terrible. A horrible man and he wasn't any better. Ethan saved him many times and he was loyal to him but it was getting hard to continue doing this. What was he living for? 

He has no one. Molly is there and they are married but he knows that he doesn't have Molly. They have lived together for many years and Teren goes to bed every night with guilt in his heart. He tells himself that he did it for Molly but as he grew older his thoughts started to change. 

He knew very well that one day Molly would have to find out. At this rate he might as well tell her himself and serve his time. He'd do anything to ensure that Molly can be healed and that he can be free from Ethan. 

'Just…fuck this' Taylor said and stormed out of there.

Taylor was a better man than Teren and he knew how to handle his shit and he didn't shy away from standing up to Ethan but Teren knew Taylor would do anything so that he could protect Mya.

His chest tightened and his vision blurred. He walked away like Taylor did without saying another word to Ethan because he didn't think he had much control over his emotion. He fought back tears in the front seat of his brand new car and started laughing hysterically. What kind of man was he.

He clenched his jaw amd put the car into ignition and backed out of there. He needed Molly more than anything in that moment and drove to her workplace which would be quite the surprise.


Tania was now a free woman and although it wasn't something she's used to she can proudly say she's adjusting well to her new life. It didn't take long for the divorce to be finalized. Kei cooperated well and they signed off the deal with one final hug even though he hurted her deeply.

The divorce lawyer tried to convince her to take a much as she wanted but Tania left everything to Kei, only settling for their first car that was bought together. No one understood how much that car meant to her and it was hard to explain.

She met with her mother and broke the news to her and her mother seemed distraught. She didn't dare to tell her the main reason for the divorce at that moment because she knew it would break her. She loved her mother so much and although she witnessed her parents fight and argue she knew that they were deeply inlove. Now that she knew the truth she commended her father for being a great actor.

She haven't spoken to him since the night she left her parents house and she wondered if Kei told him what happened and even if he did her father didn't try to reach out. 

Jay was her support person through all this. He visited her more than once and made sure she was doing okay. He spent a day at her new home and the day continued to replay in his mind. 

They binged watch old movies from their childhood and ate junk food all day. They chased each other like they used to do when they were kids and they laughed like they had not a care in the world. At night Tania asked Jay to stay in bed with her and he didn't object. 

They layed together and it wasn't like they were kids anymore. Their heart were beating at an irregular speed and the closeness was intoxicating for them both. Jay's hand accidentally touched Tania's waist and soft 'sorry' was muttered between them.

Tania's turned so that she could look at Jay directly and their face were closer than ever.

Tania was getting needy and Jay was laying with the woman he loved. Lips gently touched each other again and again until it turned from gentle to rough and more was demanded. Jays hand slipped around Tania and dragged her untop of him. They both sat up on the bed, lips never leaving each other. 

Tania was sitting perfectly on Jay's erection and it earned a groan from him. She was getting aroused and she moved slowly on his sheltered dick. Jay's lips left her lips and he trailed down to her exposed neck. Jay dreamt about doing this for many years and now that dream was a reality. He found the spot on her neck where she was most sensitive and she moaned and it made him want to bend her obet right then and there.

His hand sneaked up under her oversized t-shirt and he found her bare breast. Her nipples were already hard. His fingers twirled around her left nipple and Tania's body shook on him. Her hand played in his hair and it was driving him crazy. 

His asked for permission to take her clothes off and she said yes before he could even finish.

Jay wasted no time and slid her shirt over her head and she helped by taking her shorts off. The sight of Jay's dick print through his underwear made Tania's mouth water. He grabbed her breasts and sucked one and played with the other. Tania moved his hand and used it to shift her panty and encouraged him to rub her clit. There was nothing that Jay enjoyed more than a woman who knew what she wanted. 

Tania's moans was like music to his ears. He moved from rubbing her clit to putting a finger inside and she was so tight he wanted to feel her clench around his dick immediately. He got her to relax and he inserted two fingers and pumped into her before he finally used his dick. He asked her more than once if she was sure about this and she told him yes. He found a steady pace and he worked himself in and out of her sweet, tight cunt.

Jay found her lips and and he kissed her as his dick worked down below. Their tongues collided for dominance. Tania smiled into the kiss and Jay kissed her forehead and started leaving hickeys on her breast.

Everything about her felt so right. Their shared passion felt so right. Jay would never forget this night because it was the best sex he had ever gotten in his entire life. Tania was wild in bed and had too much stamina and Jay couldn't refuse her. 

They were at it all night and Tania was like an omega in heat and as soon as her strength wore out she fell alseep on top of him. She snored softly and Jay laughed lightly. He wanted to wake her and clean her up but he too was also tired and he fell alseep moments after.

Tania told him that she didn't regret it and neither did he. Although they weren't dating at that time it didn't feel awkward the morning after and Jay shared that he wished to court her before they do it again and get into a relationship. 

They went on dates and got to know the new version of each other. Jay started seeking a job in Tania's new neighbourhood because now that he had her he didn't plan on letting her go.


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