16. 🖤

15 3 0


Torah took a photo of her baby bump for her monthly bump update and she took a little longer because she stood there and looked at herself in the mirror. She was carrying a human being inside of her…she's going to become a mother. 

Her bump was getting bigger but somehow it was still very small and it fit her frame. She didn't get much of a weight gain and it made her sad because she have been trying for years to gain weight. 

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes and she blinked them away. Being pregnant made her get emotional and would cry for the simpliest of things, like when she was eating an apple and it tasted weird and she started crying.

Helio did all that he could to make sure she was comfortable and happy. Torah was an independent girl and he loved that about her but now she will have to accept his help. She wasn't allowed to do things she normally would and even though she complained a lot Helio didn't mind. 

At night or whenever Torah was sleeping he would rub her belly and talk to the baby. Torah did it everyday but he found it embarrassing to just do it like her. He watched Torah do her makeup and tell the baby exactly what she was doing but he couldn't do that and preferred to talk to the baby when she couldn't hear him.

Torah have been a little angsty all week and he planned to take her to AIOR baby so she could pick out clothes and other thing's for the baby. 

Torah wore her nude José dress and a small pink jacket and put her hair up in a ponytail. She wanted to wear a sneaker but it couldn't fit her anymore so she had to wear a slipper and she sulked for the entire car ride.

When they got to AIOR baby and went inside her face lit up and she immediately started looking at thing's. Helio grabbed a trolley and quickly followed her around.

They didn't know the gender of the baby so they look at gender neutral clothing. Torah found everything cute even a onesie with an ugly monkey at the back…Helio didn't dare tell her that it wasn't appealing. They picked out bottles and baby care kits and oils and skin treatments and even a small movable crib. The store had only a few carseats and Torah didn't like them.

The trolley was almost full and it seemed like Torah could shop all day. She caught sight of a pretty pink dress with a big bow at the back and the dress fluffed out. She reached for the dress and she gasped and looked up and saw Yenna and Kyo and Yenna was holding the same dress she had in purple and Kyo had a lighter purple one. Helio stared at them too. He had no Idea they were shopping here too.

Torah's eyes landed on Yenna's baby bump. She was bigger than she was. 

'Kyo. Yenna' Helio said, trying to get rid of the awkward staring battle. Torah told him that Yenna apologized for accidentally pushing her into the pool so there should be no bad blood between.

'Our kids could dress up in the same outfit' Helio said and laughed 'the lighter one looks better right Torah?'

'I guess' Torah said, staring at her little pink dress. If Yenna was gonna get this dress then she was gonna unlike it. She didnt even know if she was having a girl or not and she would never allow her child to play match up with any child of Yenna.

'We're getting both of them..there's two of them' Kyo siad 

'Oh wow Yenna, that's why you're so big' Torah added

Helio, Kyo and Yenna's eyes widen at Torah's statement. Torah meant it with mal intent but she wouldn't tell them that. The sight of Yenna made her sick and miserable.

'I don't mean it in a bad way it's just that I'm probably further along than you…I'll shut up now' Torah turned to the other direction out of embarrassment. She only wanted to explain herself because Helio was there and didn't want to be too mean.

'Sorry about that, I'll see you guys around' Helio said and went after Torah. He had no idea that she would say something like that cause if he's being honest, Torah just isn't that person.

Yenna rubbed her belly and pouted. Her belly was getting huge and she knew that but it still hurts when Torah pointed it out. Kyo tried to convince her that she was still beautiful in his eyes but she also had eyes and could see that she looked like a pig especially in her work clothes.

Helio caught up to Torah and they checked out and left because she siad she needed to lay down and get her feet off of the ground. When they reached home she immediately went to sleep and he put the baby stuff on the table inside of their closet. They planned to fix a nursery soon.


Yenna and Kyo left a little bit after Torah and Helio and they didn't go home immediately. Kyo took Yenna to resee bites to get something to eat. 

'How are the girl's doing' Yenna asked, while squeezing the ketchup out of the packet and onto her fries.

'They're doing okay, kylie called me yesterday and we talked a bit'

'Oh, I'll call them tonight, I haven't heard from them in a while' 

'Kissana asked me to take her to the beach and I don't know if I'll have the time to do that' Kyo sighed 'You could go with her, I'm sure she'll appreciate it'

'That would be nice, I wonder if I would be able to manage myself and her'  

'You'll be fine' Kyo assured her 

They continued to eat and talk until they got full and it was getting late and then they head home. Yenna used up all her energy today and she fell asleep as soon as she layed on the bed.



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