'Akira please just listen to me okay..I understand if you don't want to talk to me but right now I need someone to listen to me' 

Akira set her almost finished popcorn aside and walked to the door. She would just hear him out and nothing else. If he was here to try and persuade her into going down that path again then she would make it clear to him that it's never going to happen.


'Akira I haven't seen you in so long' He said, staring at her up and down. She stepped outside.

He looked unhappy, she's never seen him look this way before. He had dark bags under his eyes and he looked very pitiful. He needed care.

'I'm sorry about everything…I'm sorry for treating you bad..I just couldn't stomach that you were with someone else and I overreacted too much' Ethan was just rambling on and Akira figured he was drinking 'I- you were one of the best thing that has ever happened to me and I really need you, I've been losing everyone and I don't want to lose you..you can date whoever you want just please come back to me' 

Akira stared at him in this state. A married man in this state. Akira saw a photo of his wife once but she didn't know her name. She was very beautiful. She looked like royalty and unapproachable in a good way. Akira didn't understand why a man like Ethan would do all of this while he had a wife like her but she didn't know how the wife treated Ethan so she stopped thinking too deeply about it.

'Ethan stop wasting your time on me. I don't want to have anything to do with you from now on…honestly you should get a therapist and sort you shit out' Akira said 'stop showing up at my home and leave me alone please, and you never had me' 

Ethan's eye twitched. 

'What did I to you Akira…you were just a lowlife and now you have money and you can live comfortably but just like all the others you're ungrateful and you're gonna leave me' 

He walked towards her and she backed away from him because he looked angry and it was scaring her. She reached the front door and was quickly trying to close it but he was faster and stronger than her so he stopped her by pushing her out of the way and she fell with a thud and he then stepped in and closed the door behind him.

'I made you. Don't ever forget that' 

He was aroused by the sight of her and his wife left him needy. After she left and he was able to stand up he could only think about Akira. He wanted to make things better with her but no she turned out to be just like everyone else. A traitor. 

'I missed you.' 

He tore her shirt open with his bare hands and sat on top of her.

'Ethan get the fuck up off of me'

She squirmed under him but she didn't move. He stood up and rested his leg on her stomach as he pulled down his pants. 

'Ethan are you fucking crazy' Akira screamed out 

'You used to love this.'

He let her get up and he didn't allow her to move. He smashed his mouth onto hers immediately and he didn't care when she sunked her nails into his skin repeatedly. He lost it when she almost kneed him in his dick. He barely managed to stop the impact and now he was angrier than before.

'You fucking dirty bitch' He squeezed her throat with more force than when he hurt his wife. Akira used his hands to try and loosen his grip but she was also fighting to breathe. 

He dragged her to the living room and pushed her into the sofa, spilling the popcorn that was there before. She was half conscious and half unconscious and he took all of her clothes off.

'This is what you were made for, to be used like the slut you are' Ethan yelled and laughed 'The fucking slut you are Akira!!'

Ethan stroked himself twice and pushed inside of Akira while she laid there life less. He used her to relieve himself and he did not feel guilty about it. He continued calling her a slut and other degrading terms. Akira couldn't move and the only sign that she was little bit conscious was the small stream of tears that fell from her eyes and then she passed out completely. 

Ethan felt great but when he tried to wake her up it was like he became sober at that moment. The realization of what he just did hit him like a truck and he whispered a line of no's as he tried to wake her up. 

Ian received Akira's text and decided that he would go to her home after work. He finished extremely early because he was feeling clingy. He sent a lot of texts to Akira and she wasn't replying and he called her twice and got no answer. He was starting to get worried and he drove faster.

He reached Akira's house quickly and he unlocked the front door with the key she gave him. The first thing he saw on the floor was a ripped shirt and as he stepped in further he saw a naked Akira on the sofa and Ethan standing there. His blood ran cold at that moment.

'What the fuck did you do??' He shouted out.

Ethan froze on the spot and when Ian realized that Akira wasn't moving and wasn't reacting he landed a punch on Ethan that made his nose start bleeding instantly. He'd kill Ethan right then and there but he was worried about Akira. He took off his shirt and placed it on her and quickly rushed her to the hospital. If she wasn't in such a bad state Ian swore he would've killed him. He contacted his friends from the police force and he reported Ethan. He was sure about one thing. He was going to bring Ethan down even if his life. Depended on it.

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