Part Seven

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Reader pov

I sit in my dorm room reading over my notes while I wait for Bakugou to finish eating and come up. It only takes a few minutes before I hear him knocking on the door. "Come in," I call out, putting a bookmark in my book and setting it on my bedside table. 

Bakugou opens the door and closes it softly behind him. He stands there for a few seconds just staring. I raise an eyebrow at him. He mumbles something I can't quite understand. 

"What was that, I couldn't hear," I ask. 

Bakugou glares at the floor and huffs before looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry." My eyes widen in pure shock. I was hoping he would say it, but I didn't actually think he was going to. "What I said to you was stupid and uncalled for."

I nod my head. "Yeah."

Bakugou clenches his fists tight. "Shut up until I'm finished." I roll my eyes at his rude language but shut up regardless. "I shouldn't have snapped at you, regardless of how weak and angry I felt. You're... a good friend," He whispers the last part. I would typically ask him to repeat it teasingly, but I know it took a lot for him to say that. 

I wait a bit longer to make sure that's everything and that I can talk now. "I forgive you."

Bakugou looks surprised. "That easily? Why? Last time you got even angrier at me."

"Because you didn't apologize last time," I stated obviously. "All I wanted was a simple "I'm sorry." Which I got."

"Oh," Bakugou said dumbly. "So, we're good now?"

I get up and hug Bakugou, pulling away before he had a chance to blow me up. "We're good!"


I'm walking through a beautiful field of flowers with Bakugou at my side. We're laughing and talking about random things. I'm not sure what we're talking about, but I know it isn't important. Bakugou leans in close. I feel my face heating up. The blonde smiles, "Ring, Ring, Ring."

"What," I ask him to repeat, unsure of what he said.

"Ring, Ring, RIng."

I rub my eyes and sit up groggily, reaching over to drink some water. 

Ring, Ring, Ring

I set down the water and look around for my phone. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I find it. I pick my phone up and answer the call. The person on the other side says to meet up at a different address at around eight a.m. for the work study. I agree and put the address into my map. It'll take around an hour to get there. Looking at the time I notice it's already six a.m. Shit. 

I quickly get ready, put on my binder, and get into my school uniform. I run downstairs and startle when I see that Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Tsu are all coming downstairs at the same time. We all stare at each other for a bit before we break off into our work study groups. Kirishima and I whisper to each other as we walk.

When he notices that we're all going to the same location, and the Big Three are going too, he slows down so that we're behind everyone else. 

"What's up," I ask him. 

Kirishima looks ahead to make sure no one can hear us before he replies. "This might be too personal, so tell me if it is," Kirishima warns, "But, do you like Bakugou?"

I look at him in confusion. "Yeah? I mean, we are friends."

"No, I mean. Do you like him?"

I stop walking. I think about it for a second before I think back to my dream and realize, holy shit I do like him. I speed up to catch up with Kirishima. "Is it obvious?"

"To me, yeah. To Bakugou, hell no. Dude's way too oblivious to notice," Kirishima reassures. We talk in hushed whispers on the train ride over, only finishing the conversation when we arrive at our destination. 

We all walk inside together. So many heroes are here. Aizawa Sensei, Gran Torino, even Fat Gum. Kiri and I stand with Fat Gum and Tamaki Senpai. "What's going on?"

"You'll see soon," Fat Gum says vaguely. 

We end up in a room at a very long table. I'm sitting next to Tamaki and Kirishima. Nighteye starts the meeting. Every once in a while, Kirishima and I have to ask Tamaki Senpai questions. 

"Why are there kids here," Rock Lock, a hero I recognize, demands. "They're oblivious to what's going on and with them here we'll never get anywhere."

Fat Gum stands up in defense of Kirishima and I. "If it weren't for these two, we wouldn't have that bullet! Not only did Kirishima defend Tamaki from getting hit, he and (Last Name) took down the thug that shot it! If anyone deserves to be here, it's these too!"

"Not to mention," I butt in, "That if it weren't for Kirishima, we wouldn't know what that bullet does!"

"Thank you, Fat Gum, (Last Name)," Nighteye says. "You may sit down now."


After the meeting, Kirishima and I sit with the other work study students. The two of us, as well as Uraraka and Tsu, try to comfort Midoriya while Tamaki and Nejire do the same for Mirio. 

Aizawa Sensei walks into the room. "I don't want you five participating in this fight," He announces. The others start to argue when he holds up his hand. "But, I know that if I stop you, all that will do is make you guys desperate to do something on your own. And that will just get you more hurt."

Midoriya looked sheepish at that. "Fair point," Kirishima mutters, seeing as how he was the one that started the most recent class vigilantism. 

"So, I'll let you stay in the operation," Everyone started to cheer, "But! If the league pokes their noses in, I want you all out. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sensei," We all chirped. 

"And please, be safe."

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