Part Four

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Reader pov

"Everyone get off the bus in an orderly fashion," Iida exclaimed while chopping his arms. 

The excited students got off the bus, chatting with friends and theorizing what the test will be like. 

"Don't worry, you guys will do fine," Aizawa reassured tiredly. "Do your best to further your goal of becoming heroes." 

"Yes sensei," the class chirped in chorus. 

Some weird guy started shouting and bowing so far his head hit the ground. I just slowly pulled on my headphones and started reading a book. It's this story from the prequirk era but set in another world. The world has this forecast service that will call you the day you die and these two characters get called and meet each other that day. They fall in love even though they both know that they'll inevitably die that day. It's actually pretty sad.

I lost track of time but suddenly the group started moving. I put away my book and take off my headphones. "What did I miss," I ask Jiro, slowly matching my pace to hers. 

"Just some other schools trying to be all friendly. I don't trust them, you know," the rocker responds, twirling her ear jacks.

"I as well felt a weird vibe from the other schools," Tokoyami nods. 

Shoji and Yaoyorozu agree. "I would like to trust them, but I'm not sure we can," She says, forming her words carefully. "I think it's best if we stick with our class for this."


The group split up when we got to the locker rooms. There were already too much people for me to be comfortable at UA, but this is way too much. I squeeze past groups of people talking and make my way to a secluded corner to get dressed. I'm nervous someone might see or make a big deal out of it when Tokoyami and Shouji decide to guard the entrance to my corner. I'm thankful to have friends like them. 

"Thank you for the help," I whisper when we finish getting dressed. They both simply nod, saving their social energy for the exams. 

If I thought there was a lot of people in the lockers, it is so much worse in this room. We're waiting for the exams to start and the rules to be given to us. Everyone is talking about what they think the exam will include and what we might have to do. I think I'm one of the only few in my class that notices how many groups of people are whispering and glaring at us. 

The huge screen lights up. "Hello, I'm Yokumiru Mera. I work for the hero commission and I'll be overseeing the exams today," The tired man yawned. "I need more coffee,"He muttered to someone off screen who handed him another mug. "Only 100 of you will be passing the first round today," Mera drawled. Nearly everyone felt the need to voice their complaints. "Examinees will be given three targets to put anywhere on their body, except feet and armpits. Then you'll be given six balls to hit targets. The targets will light up when hit. Once the third target lights up, the examinee is out. Whoever hits the third target gets the point, regardless of who hit the first two," The, clearly, sleep deprived man chugged half his coffee and mumbled something about a nap and not getting paid enough. "You need to get two points to pass. The balls and targets will now be passed out."

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