Chapter 1

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"Dad! Please lift me up to the sink please I wanna help you out with washing the dishes too please dad?!" the five-year-old girl says holding up her arms as she waited for her dad to take her into his arms and place her on the stool to help out. He knew that his little girl wouldn't move a muscle until she was on the stool so that she could help, and who could say no to her adorable little face. Twenty-five-year-old Ao'nung dried his hands, smiling to himself and carefully picked up is daughter, Amaia and placed her gently on the stool next to him where she could rinse out the soapy dishes. It was just the two of them in their two-bedroom apartment, which was quite big and spacious perfect for a hyperactive five-year-old. It has always been the two of them (minus his family who were always there to help them out whenever it was needed), ever since the day Ao'nung found little Amaia abandoned in an alley way one cold night five years ago. 


He had taken her to his apartment first without any hesitation cleaned her up and changed her into something a bit warmer, although his little sister's clothes that were left behind were a little too big but still provided warmth and wrapped in a blanket took her to his mother to get the little baby checked out. Although the little baby was malnourished, she was generally a healthy bundle of pure joy and happiness giggling about at all the little pokes and jabs Ronal did in order to distract her from the injection to calm down the small fever she as a precaution in case it got worse, her smile brightening the room.

Ao'nung burst through the door with bags filled with formula, baby bottles, diapers, blankets and clothing in a variety of colours, this was a way as well to clear his head and calm down from the various emotions of sadness and anger at whoever abandoned such an innocent life. He silently vowed to take care of the baby as if she were his own daughter even if he was still quite young (being twenty years old) but he was still determined to take care of her. This vow was quietly whispered to his mother, who in turn gave him an approving nod accompanied with a wide smile happy with her son wanting to keep the baby and to raise her. Ronal had been a doctor for a long time and had seen both the good and the bad of the foster care system but had mostly seen how badly the system effects young children. Especially when they are not placed in good homes and cannot/do not want to say anything to because they are either scared to or they do just want to belong to a family and do not know any better. However, Ronal knew that this baby would have the happiest home ever, and she would make sure that the baby had the happiest home as well and help Ao'nung through it all if need be. Ronal knew Ao'nung the best, he was an absolute sweetheart, a big softie with huge muscles, sun-kissed skin or tanned skin, which was decorated with black traditional tattoos that began from is arms and ended at his neck these were beautiful black swirls and patterns, and there were more to come as they told his life's story. Ao'nung had gentle eyes that were strikingly baby blue in colour, soft round face, with high cheek bones, a strong nose, a mole above his lips like his mother's and long voluminous black curly hair that reached mid back when not braided or in a bun. Ao'nung was the spitting image of his father, Tonowari, when he was much younger, just a little bit taller, both true gentle giants. 

"Mama is it okay if we can sleep here, I don't have car seat for her, I can't take her home with me and I don't have anywhere for her to sleep at my apartment", Ao'nung said pacing around the room showing worry in his tone. "Either way how would I be able to take her back because I don't have my car, I used your car to buy stuff and took a cab which honestly was not safe, but it was an emergency, so I had to make an expectation. But wait where will she sleep my apartment is a one-bedroom apartment, and I don't have a crib where she can sleep unless she sleeps on my bed, and I take the couch but that wouldn't work out what if-". "Ao'nung! Calm down!" Ronal says sternly rocking the baby gently in her arms, the little one sleeping with a small smile on her face enjoying the rocking motion. "Ao'nung calm down son, we still have Roa's crib in her bedroom we have yet to pack it up, you can take it with you tomorrow, for now we can move it into your old room, and you sleep with her tonight. Your father and I are a little too old to share a room with a newborn baby, well I am assuming she is a newborn sort off, but Ao'nung I must ask you are you extremely sure about taking her in as your own. Do not misunderstand me, I am not at all opposed to the idea of you taking her in, me and your father will help in any and every way that we can, but I want you to be sure so that she grows in a loving home you have to love her 100% because she deserves a loving home, a loving family it won't be an easy journey raising a child, but it is worth everything" Ronal says gently while looking at her son sternly.

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