Your banter was interrupted when you felt someone's presence facing you both.

Your eyes turned to meet..


Jimin's unexpected entrance cast a momentary shadow over the playful scene in the living room. The atmosphere shifted as you and Taehyung were caught off guard, instinctively pulling away.

"I... I didn't mean to interrupt. I apologize."  Jimin forced a smile.

"Jimin, it's not what you think. We were just.."  you said softly.

"No need to explain. I understand." Jimin smiled shaking off the topic.

As he tried to mask the ache in his heart, Taehyung  remained silent, a mix of guilt and empathy in his eyes.

" Faye, I didn't mean to intrude. I hope... I hope our friendship can withstand these awkward moments. I value what we have." Jimin spoke composing himself.

"Jimin, Let's not let this change our friendship. We'll figure it out." You smiled pulling him into a hug.

Jimin swallowed his own emotions, offered a bittersweet smile, attempting to salvage the fragments of camaraderie that lingered in the air.

The weight of realization pressed upon him, the stark understanding that love, even when nurtured in the fertile grounds of familiarity, doesn't always bloom into reciprocity. The years of shared laughter, the comfort found in shared secrets, and the tender moments woven into the fabric of the friendship now stood as fragile fragments, delicate like frost-kissed petals waiting to crumble. As he tried to come to terms with the unyielding reality, Jimin grappled with the paradox of being so close yet impossibly distant.

Love, it seemed, was not a guarantee, no matter the time invested or the history shared. It was a revelation that left his heart in quiet mourning, a symphony of sorrow playing in the silent corridors of his emotions.

Not everyone is lucky in love.


7 pm.

You were ensnared in the intricate folds of your evening dress. The delicate fabric seemed to have a mind of its own, resisting every attempt you made to coax it into place.

With a sigh of frustration, you stood in front of the mirror, contemplating the seemingly impossible task ahead.

" This damn freakin zip. " You almost moaned in annoyance.

You frowned as you couldn't ask for help. Everyone had left for the town's evening party. It was just you who insisted to head late.

In a moment of quiet struggle, as you stood alone in your room, the door creaked open almost imperceptibly. Unbeknownst to you,  Taehyung had silently entered.

He observed you for a brief moment, admiring the delicate intricacies of the dress that held you captive.

Without a word, he stepped closer.  You being engrossed in your personal battle with the dress, were caught off guard as you felt his warm breath near her ear and his fingers lingering on the bare back.

" Let me help." His intense masculine whisper made you swallow your saliva.

The sensation of his touch, coupled with the warmth of his breath, sent a shiver down your spine. As he carefully zipped up the dress, the fleeting contact of his lips on your bare back and neck left an indelible imprint.

A quiet gasp escaped you lips with a mix of surprise and a rush of emotion.

" Tae-hyu-ng" you took a deep breath reacting upon his actions.

" You look stunning, Faye. " He murmured against your skin

You gaze met his in the mirror.  He pulled away before speaking.

" You know, if we weren't running fashionably late, tonight could've been the night I poured my heart out to you."

" Fashionably late? You mean, just in time to keep the mystery alive?" You tagged along.

" Exactly. After all, a bit of suspense adds to the magic of the love. " Taehyung grinned as he draped his arm casually around you.

As you and Taehyung entered the lively gathering, you could sense the energy of the season infusing every corner of the room.

The Christmas tree stood tall, adorned with ornaments that sparkled like stars, and the scent of holiday treats hung in the air.

People, dressed in a kaleidoscope of festive colors, mingled and exchanged laughter. The air resonated with the sound of cheerful conversations and the clinking of glasses, as friends and family came together to celebrate .

In one corner, a group gathered around a crackling fireplace adorned with stockings, sharing tales of Christmases past. The aroma of spiced cider and freshly baked treats wafted from a nearby table, tempting guests to indulge in the delights of the season.

The room, filled with the spirit of Christmas, offered a haven where the magic of the holidays unfolded in every twinkling light, hearty laugh, and shared moment among the gathering.

And suddenly your eyes fell on the Mistletoe hanging at the top of the Christmas tree.

" Looks like we've found a piece of holiday magic." You murmured.

"It seems like Christmas has its way of making even the simplest moments special." Taehyung speaks smiling at you.

" We were waiting for you. " Jungkook spoke who was followed by Avery, and Jimin joined you both.

Your mother was immersed with her friends and the neighbourhood.

" Well , well. Are we witnessing the birth of a holiday romance novel here? 'Under the Mistletoe with Love: A Winter Tale. " Jungkook teased.

You and Taehyung kept quiet unsure of how to answer.

" Can you not tease me 24/7. " Taehyung remarked.


Amidst the gentle melodies of a Christmas love song, Jungkook and Avery found themselves swaying together on the dance floor, caught up in the enchantment of the moment. As the music played, Jungkook couldn't hold back his feelings any longer.

" Avery, there's something I've been meaning to say. I've enjoyed every moment with you, and I can't imagine my life without you. " Jungkook's gaze didn't leave Avery's.

" Jungkook..." Avery summoned him in a tender tone.

" Will you be my Christmas miracle and make me the happiest man alive? " He pulled her closer into his embrace.

" Jungkook, you're my wish come true. Yes, a thousand times yes. " Avery spoke earnestly.

Their dance continued, now mixed with the sweet glow of newfound love. Simultaneously, you and Taehyung shared a dance of your own, the twirls and dips synchronized to the rhythm of your hearts.

Lost in each other's eyes, the mistletoe above seemed to descend as if acknowledging the spoken bond this time.

"I've read that kissing under the mistletoe is like sealing a promise."  You spoke as Taehyung smiled tenderly.

"Then consider this our promise, Faye ; to more dances, more secrets, and more magic. "

Your lips met in a gentle kiss, a silent agreement that echoed the enchantment of the season. The night continued, filled with laughter, shared glances, and the promise of a love story written in the twinkling lights of Christmas.

A/N : Merry Christmas lovelies. 🎄☃️

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