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Within the intricate mosaic of existence, love manifests as the profound brushstroke, painting hues of connection and meaning onto the canvas of our shared journey.

7 am, Winter Havan.

With the soft glow of dawn filtering through the curtains, Taehyung found himself standing at the threshold of your room. Jungkook and Avery were away for a delightful morning walk whereas your mom was busy in her daily chores.

You laid in your bed, a cascade of morning light gently kissing your features. The quiet ambiance allowed Taehyung to appreciate the vulnerability of the moment, an intimacy that seemed to transcend the mere physicality of your connection.

Nothing really happened yesterday night. But the little moment and warmth you shared with him was everything. As he approached you, his eyes traced the contours of her face, his gaze lingering on the expression that painted your features.

With a gentle touch, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, savoring the quietude that surrounded him. The air held a delicate tension for him.

Taehyung, his voice a soft whispered leaning in. "You are a masterpiece in the morning light, Faye. A living poem that unfolds with the dawn. " And with this, your eyes fluttered open, greeted by the tender words that hung in the air. For a moment, shock painted your features, a realization dawning on you as you processed the unexpected tenderness of Taehyung's sentiment.

Taehyung remained where he stood, a silent observer of your initial surprise. There was no judgment in his gaze, only a quiet acknowledgment of the delicate moment. His hands rested on either side of your bed being close to your messy morning face and hair.

" M-r. Ki-m what brin-gs you here ear-ly in the morning?" You stuttered.

"I couldn't resist witnessing the beauty of the morning that you embody. A bit unconventional, I admit." He whispers.

" Well, Mr. Kim , Any particular reason for this poetic proclamation being used on me instead in your manuscripts ? " You mocked little.

" Sometimes, the dawn unfolds its own poetry, and in those moments, expressing the beauty around us feels like an instinct. Your presence in this morning light seemed like a canvas of serenity. " He spoke making your cheeks turn pink again.

Your mom's voice echoed from downstairs, breaking the intimate spell between Taehyung and you.

" Faye, dear, Jimin's here! Come down, breakfast is almost ready." You regained your composure, exchanged a glance with Taehyung.


" Ready to conquer the snowman contest today? " Jimin inquired.

" Forever and always. " You high fived with his palm.

" You remember our childhood days ? Those snowball fights ? " jimin remencises.

" We used to have epic snowball fights, and you were the reigning champion." You chuckled.

" Good times, good times. Maybe we should revive that tradition today. " Jimin spoke taking a long sip of the apple cider from his cup.

As you discussed the details of their snowman creation, Taehyung, who happened to witness the scene, felt an unfamiliar pang of discomfort. His eyes lingered on the camaraderie between you and Jimin, a closeness that seemed to transcend the ordinary.

" Morning Taehyung. " Jimin greeted as he noticed his presence proceeding towards you both. Taehyung hums and settles down across you and Jimin on the couch.

An undercurrent of emotions swirled within Taehyung. His usual composure wavered, overshadowed by a growing unease that he couldn't quite pinpoint. His gaze went towards you and Jimin casually holding hands and sharing a ' close ' friendship.

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