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"Winter, with its silent snows and glistening landscapes, weaves a tapestry of enchantment where every frost-kissed moment holds the promise of magic and wonder."

You and Taehyung sat cozily in the dimly lit living room, surrounded by scattered manuscripts and softly glowing fairy lights. The air was filled with the faint scent of freshly brewed coffee, providing a warm and comforting ambiance. Both engrossed in reading the manuscripts from the pile , you occasionally exchanged glances.

As the night progressed, Taehyung glanced up from his work, meeting your gaze. "It's getting late. I'll read the rest. You should go and get some rest. " he said, his voice soft yet filled with warmth.

" What about you ? You're tired as well. " You spoke. He shook his head taking a sip from his coffee mug.

" I'm good. " His head was sinked in the pages.

You didn't realise that your stare at him was for too long. Everything about him was admirable. The way his eyes crinkled when he was too focused , the depth of his voice that resonated in your mind long after your conversations ended. But you couldn't quite comprehend these feelings, you attributed it to mere admiration, unaware that her admiration had gradually woven into a tapestry of affection and budding love. With each passing encounter, you found yourself wanting to be near him, to listen to his stories, and to simply absorb the essence of his being. Yet, in your mind, you labeled these sentiments as mere intrigue and a deep admiration for a captivating soul, never realizing that this was the subtle beginning of love taking root in your heart.

Taehyung felt your gaze lingering on him, her eyes inadvertently drawn to his every move. Sensing your attention, he couldn't help but playfully tease you in his own subtle yet formal manner.

"Miss Faye," he said closing his book , his tone was light and friendly, "I hope I'm not creating any distraction. Your attentive eyes seem to be following me as if there's a mystery waiting to be unraveled."

Your cheeks flushed slightly, caught off guard by his playful yet courteous acknowledgment. "Oh, not at all " you stammered, trying to regain composure. "I was just... admiring the view from here. The Christmas aura , you see. " you chuckled nervously.

Taehyung's grin widened as he responded with a charming twinkle in his eye.

"Ah, the view is quite captivating, isn't it? Sometimes, even the most ordinary things can become extraordinary when observed closely." With a slight bow and a glint of humor, he leaned in closer , leaving you both flustered and enchanted by his move.

" uh-m. Yes. Perhaps. " you answered. The quiet crackling of the fireplace provided a serene soundtrack to your conversation.

" You have a knack for this, you know?" Taehyung remarked, his eyes reflecting genuine admiration. Your eyes widened at his statement.

" For what, Mr. Kim ?" You bursted.

" Your skills in this field , course. Were you thinking of something else. ?" His tongue clicked his inside cheeks , smirking. You shook your head vigorously.

" Absolutely not, sir. Coming from you, that means a lot. You have a way with words that's truly captivating. " You smiled nervously. A mixture of comfortable as well as awkward silence settled between you both.

You reached for your cup, taking a sip before setting it down beside Taehyung's. Your fingers brushed lightly, igniting a palpable spark between you both. Your eyes met, and in that moment, something shifted an unspoken understanding passing between. Despite Taehyung's reserved nature, he couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt toward you. The moments he shared in the serene ambience of the living room were a departure from his usual routine, creating a warmth that he hadn't anticipated. His usual serious demeanor softened in your presence. Your easy laughter and passion for storytelling seemed to thaw the icy barrier he often carried. He found himself more engaged in the conversations, occasionally allowing a rare smile to grace his features.

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