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"Love is like a beautiful melody that fills your heart with sweet harmony, making every moment feel like a symphony."

12 P.M | Winter Havan. |

You lead Taehyung under the snow covered bridge and huddle together for warmth. He insisted on a walk and you accompanied him. Taehyung's gaze was lingering on you.

"In moments like these, I can't help but feel a shift. There's something more here. " He stuffs his hands in his pockets.

" Everything about winter is mysterious and everything is yet to be discovered." You answered being contemplative.

Taehyung's realization of his deepening feelings for you were accompanied by an undercurrent of vulnerability. By this time, he knew what was happening, he has sensed it. At some point he wanted to acknowledge it but his mind couldn't escape the echoes of a past heartbreak that had left scars on his perception of love.

" You might be thinking that I'm a Christmas Scrooge who hates love , and the festive season. " he spoke out of blue making you gaze at him.

" I've been down on this path. A long time ago, love took me to a place of joy, only to shatter everything. I saw the person I loved with someone else on a day meant for celebration." He scoffed before continuing.

" It was a love from the university itself. For 4yrs, I gave her my everything just to see her with some other guy on our engagement day. " As the weight of that painful memory resurfaced, Taehyung grappled with the fear of history repeating itself.

You took a step forward placing your hand on his shoulder.

"Since then, I've been hesitant to let myself feel so deeply again. It's both exhilarating and terrifying." His voice was vulnerable.

" Mr. Kim , we all carry scars from the past. But maybe, in these moments, we can create new ones. Something that transcends the pain you've felt before." You passed him a warm smile as his stare returned to face you.

His arms wrapped around your shoulder pulling you into a hug. You did not hesitate to hug him back.

" Thank you , Faye. " He mumbled.

" For what, Mr. Kim ?"

" For making me realise things which no one would have ever had. " His palm gently caressed your back making you smile against his chest.


You stood across the balcony gazing at the stars under the snowfall. A series of emotions rushed through you. There's a magic to these moments with Taehyung. His words, his presence , it's as if every laugh, every shared glance, is etching a story of its own.

You replayed the scenes in your mind, a warmth spread through your chest, a sensation you recognized as the touch of blossoming love.

You never expected to feel this way. The tenderness in his gaze, the sincerity in his words, they're like gentle whispers, inviting you into a world where emotions can unfold without fear. A subconscious smile appeared on your lips.

Being carried away by your thoughts, you didn't realise someone had made his approach. You felt a pair of arms around your waist from behind pulling you into an intimate embrace. You gasped but kept quiet realising who it was.

" Oh my god, Mr. Kim. I'm just in my 20s, spare me life. I gasped so bad. " You sighed a relief making him smile teasingly.

The warmth of his touch, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your back, spoke volumes in the quietude of the night.

UNDER THE MISTLETOE | KTH √ | Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt