Houston, Texas

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Shantae eventually woke him up so he could start preparing for the show. For the evening, he chose to wear a smooth white and black suit, while Shantae donned a matching white dress to accompany his attire. Taking a moment for rehearsals, they tuned up their performance in his hotel room. With his preparations complete,Taiyon was now fully ready for the significant moment.The day's lineup was filled with slow songs, creating a laid back atmosphere for the crowd. He performed "Be My Girl" and "Hear Me Calling".

Once the show culminated, Shantae took a flight back to Atlanta for her rehearsals, rather than choosing the drive back. She assured Taiyon that she'd be back by morning. With a warm hug and soft kiss, they said their goodbyes. Afterward, Taiyon resided in his dressing room, when Daniel entered.

"Aye bro, you good?" Daniel asked as he sat beside Taiyon.

He exhaled a breath of content, "Yeah man, I'm fine. Being on that stage and hearing the people chanting my name feels amazing. Then there's that lingering feeling of what if I'm not enough for them?"

"T, this is just the beginning, man. You have a long road ahead of you. I know this is a lot, but you need to take it step by step. You're doing fine," he said, patting him on the back.

"Thanks, Daniel."

As they got back to the hotel, Taiyon couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with his finances. The tour had brought with it a glaring spotlight on these suspicious activities. The next morning, while on his way to pick up Shantae from the airport, he constructed a plan to address the issue with his team. Shantae noticed the tension in his behavior as she entered the car.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" she asked with concern.

"No, babe, something's off. My money is disappearing at an alarming rate, and I can't figure out why," Taiyon shared his worries.

"Well, baby you are on tour, isn't that normal?" she tried to justify.

"It's not the usual spending, babe. There are larger transactions that I can't account for." he explained.

They drove in silence, the mystery weighing heavily on their minds. Taiyon became increasingly committed to assembling a team meeting and resolve the financial mystery. They all gathered in a hotel conference room—Vicky, Derrick, Daniel, Maya, Shantae, and the background singers—each puzzled about the situation.

"I know you're all curious as to what's going on, and I'm here to shed some light on it. We're going to have to tighten our budget."

"What? Why, T?" Vicky's worry was evident.

"There have been some unusual disbursements, larger than necessary, and I need to get to the bottom of it," Taiyon explained.

Vicky squirmed in her seat, her discomfort clear.

"Vick, could you provide an explanation for these financial irregularities?" Taiyon asked directly.
Derrick's frustration erupted,

"What are you accusing my aunt of?" he yelled out, slamming his hands on the table.

"I'm not pointing fingers, but if anyone would have insights, it's her since she's handling the tour funds," Taiyon answered calmly.

"I, uh I don't know. I'd have to investigate further," she stammered nervously.

Their eyes locked, and Taiyon's suspicion grew.

"Everyone leave the room."

Initially hesitating, the room remained frozen. "Now!" Taiyon yelled, his frustration and urgency piercing the air.

The room emptied quickly, but Taiyon's frustration remained. As the door closed, he turned his gaze back to Vicky. "Vick, tell me what's been happening to my money."

"T," she began, her voice trembling.

He interrupted, his tone hardened, "I'm not playing games. Tell me."

"Okay, okay. I've been sending money to your father." she confessed in a hushed tone.

"You've been doing what? How could you betray me like this?" Taiyon's anger flared.

"T, I'm sorry, I thought it would bring you two closer," Vicky pleaded.

"By giving him my money without my consent? How does that make any sense?" Taiyon's frustration boiled over.

"Get out, right now!" he yelled.

Vicky stood, her eyes teary, and quietly left the room, leaving Taiyon to grasp the reality of betrayal. The atmosphere during the Houston leg of the tour remained charged with tension, yet Taiyon's continued to enthrall the audience with their brilliance. Amongst the external success, he grappled with a sense of betrayal that seemed to surround him. In spite of not speaking to his mother, Taiyon found himself sending her money, a gesture that stirred up complicated feelings and memories from his past. Shantae, too, was deeply affected by Vicky's actions, her displeasure mingling with Taiyon's.

Within the group, a lurking tension simmered beneath the surface, amplifying the strained relationship between Taiyon and Derrick. The dynamics between them were further drained by Derrick's return to drinking, casting a shadow over their relationship and deepening the growing rift.

Among one of his performances, a startling and unexpected turn of events unfolded as Derrick, his own cousin, stormed the stage and initiated an attack on Taiyon. Reacting in self-defense, Taiyon found himself engaged in a physical altercation with Derrick. The shocking event quickly made headlines, with media outlets reporting the confrontation under headlines such as "Rapper Derrick Jones, Cousin of Singer Taiyon Bennett, Launches On- Stage Attack on Taiyon, Sparking Media Hysteria." As the aftermath of the incident unfolded, the media frenzy that ensued cast a dark shadow over what was supposed to be a victorious tour. The series of events that transpired during this tour division left Taiyon extremely shocked and unsettled.

Back at the hotel, Shantae's comforting presence offered him consolation as she tended to his bruises.
"I can't believe how hectic the first part of your tour has been," Shantae remarked compassionately.

Taiyon nodded in agreement, his emotions still raw from the recent disruption. "You're right. It's been a lot to process."

A soft kiss from Shantae conveyed her steady support. "No matter what, I'm here for you," she reassured him.
With the Houston leg of the tour now behind them, the focus shifted to the next city, and the trip continued.

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