Chapter 8: Artificial Unintelligence

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"Sounds good," Sheldon said. "Tell Agents 1 and 2 I said hello! And that they still owe me for their Roller and Charger repairs..." The Inklings headed out of Ammo Knights.

"Bye, Sheldon!" Derek called out, waving his hand. Sheldon waved goodbye to the kids. The second he was out of their sight, Sheldon crouched down and immediately began shoving the tuna snacks into his mouth.

"Hey, I was wondering," Autumn began, "is there some place we can check out some records? I've been thinking since yesterday about wanting to learn more about my past."

"Yeah, we can do that when we meet up with Agents 1 and 2," Derek said. "They'd love to help."

"They won't be helping today though," Jewel said, frowning at a text on her phone, which she then showed to her roommates. "Their flight from Calamari County to Inkopolis City has been delayed. They'll be here tomorrow morning at the earliest."

"Aw man, that sucks," Derek replied in a disappointed tone.

"I was looking forwards to meeting them too," sighed Autumn.

"We can still go check out the records at the police station," Jewel said, as the three Inklings continued walking down the street. "I'm sure Officer Carol Coral will help us look." Just then, there was a loud explosion of ink on the other side of the road. Cars skidded to a halt and Inklings and jellyfish scattered from the scene.

"What was that?" Derek exclaimed. Jewel squinted, shielding her eyes from the morning sun.

"Oh no! It's the twins!" she gasped. A limegreen Inkling girl, trailed by a small group of other limegreen Inklings, ran away from the area the explosion had happened in. A purple Inkling boy, followed by a small group of other purple Inklings, raced after the limegreen group. A couple of Ink Mines exploded, and the two groups separated. The purple group ran one way and activated several Splat Bomb Launchers at the limegreen gang, who raced past our heroes.

"Look out!" Autumn yelled as several Splat Bombs zipped over their heads. The agent trio dove out of the way and dashed down the street, away from the chaos. The Inklings ran into a small side alley to catch their breaths.

"That was close," Jewel said. "Alright, Autumn, let's get to the police station." There was no answer. "Autumn?" She and Derek turned around. Autumn was nowhere in sight.

"Uh-oh," said Derek. They had lost Autumn.

Alecs was on his bed scrolling on his phone having a snack when Kimberly walked into their barracks.

"Have you seen my oatmeal cookies? I could've sworn I left them in here," Kimberly asked, looking through her stuff. Alecs rapidly swallowed what was in his mouth with the expression of someone who was caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing.

"Nope," he answered quickly, pulling his mask over his mouth to hide the cookie crumbs. Kimberly gave him an unamused look.

"I hope you get a stomachache," she said. Just then Monica poked her head in.

"You two, with me," ordered the red-eyed Octoling, and Kimberly and Alecs followed her out into the hall. The three Octolings joined Daisy and Liam's squadrons. This was a semi-awkward meet-up because no one in either Daisy or Liam's squadrons liked anyone in Monica's squadron, and the feeling was somewhat mutual.

"So why did The Alpha suggest I go with you two again?" Monica asked with a sigh.

"She thought it might give you an idea or something on how to deal with the agents, I don't know," Daisy replied with a shrug. "Let's just go grab a few squids and get this over with." The three squadrons made their way through the New Octopolis army headquarters to the conjoining corridor that led to the prison. There were a few non-GenMo Octolings who were imprisoned there, with their crimes attached to the cell ink-proof doors on signs for all to see - disobedience to DJ Octavio, unauthorized escaping to the surface, ration hoarding, illegal possession of ink bullets (Octavio was TERRIFIED of ink bullets ever since Maya had shot him three times a year and a half ago during Remembrance Day), stockpiling ink tanks, underground arena betting - you name it. Most of the prisoners, however, were Inklings who had strayed too far into Octarian territory or had been snatched because they were easy targets. As the group of GenMo Octolings passed by their cell, Victor and Veronica clutched each other tightly in a fearful hug. They were the two lucky ones, deemed amazingly skilled fighters and were only to be used in the arena, not for any experimentation. The other imprisoned Inklings reacted fearfully as the Octolings passed by. Their treatment in the prison was enough for even the most strong-willed Inkling to readily submit to the Octolings. Daisy stopped in front of one cell, where a pair of Inklings were sleeping together.

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