Chapter 5 : Looking for Her

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POV : Yeji

I heard an aggressive knock at the door, and I immediately knew it must be Ryujin. I jumped off the couch and quickly unlocked the door, revealing her standing there.

To my surprise, she wasn't just carrying one or two things, but more than ten things for Kat. I couldn't help but ask,

"Uh, Ryujin... why did you bring so much stuff?" I tried to keep my tone cool, but I was genuinely amazed by the amount she had with her.

In an annoyed tone, she replied, 'The cat, duh.'

Without waiting for an invitation, she made herself at home, placing her things on the table and exploring every corner of my place.

Confused, I asked,

"Girl, what the heck are you doing?"

"Finding the cat," she replied matter-of-factly.

I pointed to the sofa and said, "It's literally right there."

She peered at the sofa, then sprinted across the room and knelt down to pet the cat. It meowed in pleasure, and I couldn't help but think that it must like Ryujin more than me aww

"Why is it so fricking cute?" she cooed, giving the cat belly rubs and cuddling it in her arms. Its tail wagged happily.

Curious and confused, I asked, "So, what should we do?"

Ryujin suggested, "Take her to the vet so she can get checked,

"and then let's try to see if she has a microchip so we can find Kat's owner"

She was surprised that i read her mind and said, 'Woah, you read my mind. Oh wait, does she have a name tag?'

'Yeah, yeah, she does. Now, come on, let's get her set up for the road.'"



I don't appreciate the pity from my members concern, but honestly, I'm just lost in my thoughts right now.

My father just spilled everything about my lost sister and the pink diamond in just 10 minutes.

It's a lot to take in You know?

I can't help but feel this deep empathy for my father, even though he's the reason for all this chaos

It's a strange mix of emotions, you know? As the leader of our team, I feel like I should be strong and composed, but it's hard when it's your own father involved.

I couldn't bear to stay in that office any longer, so I walked out. The silence that engulfed the room was heavy, and I needed some fresh air to clear my head.

I found myself staring at the beautiful black marble floor with those luminous white lines. It's a shame my sister may never get to see this... if she's even alive.

While lost in my thoughts, I noticed Itzy, entering the building. Must have gotten a new mission, huh?

Itzy, the talented trio consisting of Kim Jisu, Lee Chaeryeong, and Shin Yuna.

But it's Shin Yuna who always stands out to me.

She's not just pretty, there's something about her that captivates me.

But don't worry, I haven't told Taehyun about my little crush. He's way too protective as a sibling, and if he found out, he'd probably murder me with his overprotectiveness.

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