Chapter 1

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Chapter 1. A Promise

"Mama, come here quickly, I know you're in a rush but come on, quick pit stop."

You were done changing, wearing a simple little black dress with sneakers and an oversized cardigan on top. It was a simple outfit good for all the activities you know Yunji would make you do for her little pool party. It's not like you knew how to swim anyway, you were just going to maybe sun tan or just relax by the water.

She had been gone a week and you got caught up with a photoshoot the same day she said she'd be coming back. So here you were, dressed in a rush, with makeup freshly cleaned off, and hair down loose without much product apart from the dry shampoo made to prevent the hairspray from making it all types of crusty.

Upon hearing the photographer call out to you, you swung your tote over your shoulder and rushed out the door. "Yes? Did something happen? Do we have to reshoot something? I- I can- I can go change right back, just say the word, Hoseok." You pointed at the dressing room again, waiting for his response.

He chuckled and gave you a toothy grin. "No, of course not, you're alright. I wanted to hand you your latest magazine with our Mode magazine. Here." The man, from his back pocket pulled out a magazine and handed it to you, all rolled up into a tube but the pages still intact. "You're on pages 3,4. 13, and 23. Next to Yunji's husband. Isn't that so fun?"

"Excuse me?" Yunji's husband? Why would he be in the magazine?

Flipping the pages, you landed on 13, exactly where the man was plastered on the page with his name in bold while you laid on the other showing off a mini white silk dress and a halo on your head for some perfume brand. "What a pair. Yunji is just surrounded by attractive people~" Hoseok giggled to himself, pointing out the very same pages you were looking at. "She must be excited that her best friend and husband are on the same pages. That's so fun."

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I didn't think it was something one would be excited about but I guess?"

"Of course it is, especially with the two of you? You two are total hotties! I know he's not a model but how difficult do you think it would be to get a shoot with all three of you together? Oooh, I wonder, I wonder." Then there he went, he had this habit of thinking out loud when looking at visuals and planning future shoots.

You just giggled and closed the magazine, your pointer finger wedged between those two pages, discreetly holding the two pages apart. "You let me know what you come up with, remember, I'm always free when it comes to you Mr. Jung," you winked and began backing up, trying to head to the car that had been waiting to drop you off at Yunji's.

He gave you a big wave and nod. "Yes! Oh my goodness, I have to make calls! Keep in touch, thank you for today!" He didn't say much else before he was running in the direction of where the original shoot was held.

Pages thirteen and fourteen. Skies magazine.

On the long drive to what was Yunji's new home, you read the article. "Hottest Young Bachelor Off The Market." It was just a gossip page that mentioned Jeon Jungkook's marriage and the connection to Kim Yunji's family and how powerful they were now that two big companies married.

Compared to you, those two had connections to their current position. Yunji, on top of being the daughter of previous Miss Japan, was the daughter to the owner of one of Korea's biggest magazines. Jeon Jungkook, as the article stated, was a man who was following in his father's footsteps running a big network that you could not begin to explain. The one thing you could really understand is that they both had big ties to the fashion world and that they were rich to the point that it would be impossible to lose their status. It was impressive, something to envy, if you were honest.

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