Alaris saw her face drop the instant she was inside.

"I see you've finally lost your happy spirit, Bonny" He said. Bonny Falu just gave him a hum in response, confirming his suspicions. Visulia walked in soon after their short conversation and whisked Bonny Falu off, stating that the prep team needed time to turn a pretty girl into a beautiful one.

The door swung open to reveal three people; two women, and a man, all covered in sorts of sparkles and gems. The man, whose name she learnt was Isidor, had bright blue hair which perfectly matched his blue lips. Bonny Falu couldn't tell if his relatively thin lips were covered in lipstick or if he had tatooed them. Either way, blue was not his colour. The two women, Aurelie and Lucinda, both had dark red hair and pink eyes. Sure, they could've been contact lenses, which were something Bonny Falu learned about on the train since if you had bad eyesight in District 10, you just had to deal with it, but the two redhead seemed like the type of people to go to such extreme lengths like colouring their eyes.

They were all sweet, but insensitive to her situation. The trio talked about the excitement of preparing the tributes for games, and asked who Bonny Falu was wanting to kill first in the arena. She didn't even try to respond to their strange question since she was using all her energy to stop herself from screaming. She never expected pulling and scrubbing her skin could cause such unbearable pain. Her agony went on for what left like days, but ended abruptly as her stylist came through the door.

As Bonny Falu sat up to look at her stylists, she saw a petite woman looking back at her. She was dressed all in white, and Bonny Falu found it hard to distinguish between her skin and her dress. Her stylists introduced herself to be Diamond, which matched the small diamonds that were embedded close to her eyes.

"Hello my dear! Oh my, when I was told I was getting the beautiful songbird, I truly squealed!" Diamond announced in her high-pitched Capitol voice. Bonny Falu gave her a bright smile. Partially to be polite towards the happy stylist, but mostly because of the nickname the Capitol had given her. Songbird. The young singer knew that would remind Snow of a certain someone, and that everyone would know the full story by the time she was in that arena.

The tribute was ushered into a smaller room yet it was still just as extravagant as the last. Sitting in the middle of the room was a half-black half-white floor length dress. The long slit parted the black from the white of the dress until it connected at the bodice.

"I wanted to represent your district, but I didn't want to make you look as silly as the pigs last year. Ugh! Thank God Jessia was fired, terrible stylist, if you don't mind me saying." Diamond said confidently. Bonny Falu could be nothing but grateful for the beatifully designed dress. She had prepared herself to go out wearing an ugly cow costume, and to know she got to now wear such a gorgeous peice of work excited her. It was still a cow she was dressed as, but it was a stunning, miraculously made peice of art, which was something a District 10 tribute had never been able to say. Diamond pushed her into a small changing room, telling her to slip on the dress and come back out in case any adjustments had to be made.

The bodice sat perfectly on her small torso, and the skirt swayed gracefully with each movement. Diamond looked at Bonny Falu with delight as she stepped out of the changing room. Bonny Falu felt her smile grow to the point where her cheeks sarted to pain her. Yet, she didn't stop smiling at Diamond's work, and it didn't fall until she walked into where all the tributes were waiting to be paraded around and gawked at by their higher ups.

Although her smile had faded by the time she was there, when she saw a small girl, the 13-year-old from District 12, Bonny Falu gave her a soft smile which was instantly returned by the younger girl. Bonny Falu knew she'd end up a murderer to make it out alive, but she also knew she could never kill a girl as innocent as Agnes, the girl from 12.

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