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"You know...classical ain't really my style," Vance said, hands in his pockets and back leaned against the lockers. "I'm more into the whole rock and metal thing."

"I don't care," Robin rolled his eyes at Vance, "you're still going."

Vance groaned, hitting his head against the locker. Robin scoffed as he began walking off. "Why...?" He dragged his feet as he caught up with Robin.

"Cause, I'm going to support Finn, but I don't want to go alone," Robin started to explain, clearly getting annoyed with Vance, "and I can't ask Billy cause he's busy with helping his mom or whatever. You're the only other person that came to mind, but you're really getting on my nerves today."

Vance huffed, "yeah cause I don't want to go to some b.s. high school orchestra concert." He rolled his eyes as Robin started to lay it on him about how 'important the orchestra was'. Vance knew that Robin only cared because his boyfriend, Finney Blake, played second chair violin in the second highest orchestra in the high school. " know what people with say if 'big, scary, pinball Hopper' is seen there," he groaned, saying some of it in a mocking voice.

"Yeah, nothin'," Robin replied, "they'll say nothin' cause they don't care about you."

Vance clenched his teeth. He sort of knew that Robin was right. "I'm not saying they care about me," Vance defended, "we all know nobody in this damn school would give a shit if I died." Robin hummed with agreement. "It's the fact they don't care about me that makes it bad."

"And now you sound like a self absorbed asshole," Robin said, walking into his class before Vance could protest. Vance just huffed, walking right out of the school. It was the last period of the day so he didn't really care to be there any longer. And he knew his father was probably passed out at some chick's house so he didn't have to worry about him.

When he got home he threw his bag down by the door, threw his shoes off and immediately laid down on the couch. Before Vance knew it he was fast asleep. That was pretty normal for Vance. Every day after school when he got home he'd take a long nap, with no disturbances.

Until today...

Knock knock knock knock! "Vance!" A voice yelled.

Vance could feel his stomach drop. Unfortunately for he sleepy brain he couldn't tell who's voice it was, so he assumed it was his fathers. He shot off the couch, fear coursing through his body. When he answered the door a wave of relief crashed over him. It was only Robin. "Rise and shine, Vance," Robin started to snap in front of Vance's face, "your afternoon nap is over. Now get your shoes on and let's go."

"I..huh?" Vance couldn't remember why Robin was even at his house. He rubbed his eyes as he yawned. Before Robin could say anything it clicked in Vance's head. "Robin..I don't want to go." He sighed, grabbing his shoes.

Robin just huffed, waiting for Vance to get his shoes on. Once he did he dragged Vance off to the school. As they walked up there were two people at the door. One of Robin's friends was holding open the right door while another boy held open the left one. "Billy?! What're you doing here?" Robin smiled, running and hugging Billy, who returned the gesture.

"My mom's in there helping set up for the symphony, you know, the top orchestra," Billy smiled widely. "Im assuming you're here for Finn?" He said, raising his eyebrows with a sly grin.

"Yeah," Robin said with a deep breath as his cheeks turned a red tint. "Unfortunately I didn't want to go alone, so he's here with me," he sighed as he nodded at Vance, who impatiently watched them talk.

Billy could feel his stomach drop as he locked eyes with Vance. He was one of the many that feared Vance, seeing him almost like a monster. Why did he fear him? He knew if he did anything to make Vance mad he was as good as dead. "Well the show is going to start pretty soon," he said in almost a nervous tone.

i'll only pick you - brance [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now