Deja Vu - Jhene aiko

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y/n g!p*

Sacramento, California
Jhene's House


"Dinner is ready!"

I heard multiple footsteps coming down the stairs as i just finished setting the table.

Sean didn't have the baby which was unexpected but seeing my sister enter the room my questions were answered. "Yeah fat daddy we finally about to eat
after ya mama took five years!" She cooed my son and he giggled making me roll my eyes, but i couldn't contain the smile i had.

"Smells good baby." Sean kissed my head and i thanked him before realizing Namiko wasn't at the table. Nami hasn't been Nami for a while now, my guess would be she's just going thru her teenage years. But with the way she's been acting it's different than that.

"Nami!" I yelled for her starting to make my plate. As we all got caught up in a conversation it still slipped that my daughter never came down.
My eyebrows furrowed as i stood up walking to the stairs stopping at the end of them.



She finally came to the stairs and just stared at me. "Come eat." I motioned her downstairs but she just gave me a stank face.

"I'm not about to eat with him." She sassed. I gave her a clueless look, "Who? Sean?"

"Duh. Who else?"

"First off watch your mouth Nami," I said sternly and pointed a finger at her.

"Yes Ma'am I'm sorry." She softly apologized. See that's what i mean like she's going through something but she doesn't wanna take it out on me.

"Baby, there's nothing wrong with Sean we're all just eating like a happy family plus your auntie is down there." I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"We're not a happy family well at lease you guys are but not me."


"But i'll go and i'm only going for you, auntie, and Noah." She huffed passing me going down stairs. I stood in thought rubbing my temples and shoulders wincing once i got to my neck mentally agreeing that i was physically exhausted and needed a break.

After a while i went back to the table, a conversation was passed around but it shifted when Nami got a text.
She was quick to grab her phone and responding, typing faster than ever.

"Dang who is that?" Sean asked and she just looked at him before looking back down.

"Nami, Sean asked you a question."

"And I gave him an answer.... nothing."

"Answer him." I demanded and again she rolled her eyes. "Since you wanna know so bad it's somebody that I wished that replaced you." She looked Sean dead in the eyes and I dropped my fork.

Mila stopped feeding my son to give my daughter a quick glance. "Woah Nam what's wrong with you, and lemme see."

"Mila!" I protested.

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