"Just wanted to get your blood pumping, which i did- ha! Now, lets get started, rumps in chairs" he said tossing his bag to the side

"He's our teacher" Tori asked sitting next to Andre

"Okay, first id like to introduce our two new students, Tori and id like to thank her for her generous gift of $2. Which she handed me this morning " he said as he waved his 2 dollars around.

"Not necessary, but much appreciated" he said placing it back into his pocket.

"Why'd you give him 2 dollars" Andre asked as Tori shrugged.

"I thought he was homeless" she said.

"Now, today we're going to continue our study, in group improv" he said writing 'Improv' on the white board.

"Tori, I assume you're familiar with improv" he asked.

"Nope" Tori said.

"Okay, crash course. Improv- acting without a script, which means the actors must make up their own actions and dialogue as they perform the scene. Understood? Excellent. Jade, you will captain the first group of the day. Chose your actors" he spoke as Jade walked onto the stage.

"Cat, Beck, Teg, Eli and Tori" She said as we all walked onto the stage.

"Okay, let's give 'em a place." He said when a kid with a puppet raised hsi hand.

"Home" he said putting this hand down.

"Home" sikowitz repeated going and writing it on the board.

"Real creative" Rex spoke, looking at him, "You be quiet" he said as the puppet slapped him.

"And now we need a situation" Sikowitz said coming back over.

"Big news" Andre suggested.

"Andre, nobody wants to see big nudes" Sikowitz said as Teagan looked at him confused, "He said big news"

"Ah, well, that's different" he nodded, "Big News" he added going and writing it on the board once more.

"Uh, why dont you go wait in the hall?" Jade said looking at Tori.

As Cat, Eli, and Teagan got on their knees as they were playing the kids.

"Okay, at home, big news-and action" Sikowitz said getting off of the stage as Tori went in the hall

"Hey, babe, how was work today" Jade asked looking at Beck getting into character

"Ah, i got fired" he said as Jade sighed.


"Again" Eli asked as him, Cat and Tegan we stood up.

"its okay, i have great news that'll cheer up this whole family" She said walking over to the door.

"What is it?" Teagan asked smiling.

"Tell us" Cat clapped.

"I went to the animal shelter and got us... a dog" she said brining Tori in the classroom, and up the stage by her arm.

"Uh, yep. I'm the new family dog. woof" she said confused

"Sikowitz, will you please tell this amateur that dogs cant talk, and that they dont walk on two legs" Jade said looking at Sikowitz, then Tori and back to Sikowitz when he didn't say anything.

"Sikowitz!" Teagan yelled as he put his coconut down.

"Oh, I'm sorry, i was sucking the milk out of this coconut. But its true, Tori, if you're going to play a dog, be a dog" he said as she sighed getting on all 4's "woof"

"And action!" He yelled going back to drinking his coconut milk.

"Uh, i went to the animal shelter and got us a dog" Jade said as Teagan, Cat and Ei got all excited.

"Wow!" Cat said going to pet the "dog"

"Awesome" Eli smiled petting her

"Cool" Teagan added petting her

"Uh-oh. Looks like this dog has some bugs in her fur" Jade said looking closer at Tori, as Eli, Cat, and Teagan jumped away from the dog.

"Uh, woof" Tori said confused.




"Oh, its okay. I read on the internet that coffee works great-'" she said going off stage grabbing someone's coffee and coming back on the stage "-for getting rid of fur bugs" she smiled.

"Maybe you shouldn't" Beck said

"Jade" Andre spoke looking at her.

"Jade" Teagan spoke up

She smirked opening the coffee and pouring it on Tori's head.

Tori gasped from the coldness, slowly standing up and looking at her sister and then Jade "What's the prob, dog" Jade smiled looking at Tori, as she walked out of the classroom.

True Love • Beck Oliver & Jade WestWhere stories live. Discover now