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(In the car)

Jungwon's pov

Jake and Nareum left the car to get us both snacks from the convenience store at the petrol station, leaving Eunseo and I inside.

"I missed you so much. I was scared to text you because Nareum was mad at Jake and you two are usually in contact"
Eunseo moved closer and hugged me.

"I miss you too. I should have texted you first"
I told her.

"It's okay"
She looked up at me and poked my dimple.

Her eyes shifted to my lips and she gave it a short peck, then suddenly got shy and backed away from me.

"You're asking for it"
I smirked, putting a finger under her chin.

"Why, why?"
She giggled.

Our lips connected and we brushed our lips together through smiles. I pushed her back to lean against the car seat as I continued making out with her.

Her fingers were tangled in my hair while I brought up her exposed thigh onto my lap, drawing circles on it with my thumb.

She looked so innocent, I didn't want to go too hard on her.

A few minutes passed and I heard the front door open. Eunseo and I let go from each other, immediately moving to opposite ends of our seats.

Jake and Nareum settled into the car with all the snacks they bought. Jake turned around with the chips and sandwich and I awkwardly reached out for it until he withdrew it back.

I made eye contact with him and he had a sly gaze on me. I tried to put on a straight face.

"Your lips are glossed"
He told me.

Nareum then turned around and looked at Eunseo and I as well.

"In someone's car is crazy"
Nareum said, shooting glances and both of us as she laughed

Eunseo didn't dare to look at the couple in front and just looked out the window. Jake ended up putting down the snacks in the huge empty space between Eunseo and I before facing forward.

The car started driving and after a while, I reached out for my sandwich and then opened up the bag of chips for Eunseo, passing it to her.

She quietly munched on it and I did too on my sandwich. We soon finished it up and threw the wrapper into a plastic bag. Eunseo cuddled up next to me and I felt some relief.

"Sorry about that earlier"
I whispered to her as quietly as possible.

She shook her head, reassuring me and just decided to sleep. She laid her shoulder on mine while I rested my head on top of hers.

But..the embarrassment was worth it.



A/n: This was a little peek into their little side relationship. This was from chapter 21 if you remember.

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