'So what's up? I could see from earlier there was something off about you' Makki inquired 

'Ah' Torah sighed 'Well the other night I caught Helio cheating on me with Kyo's wife' 

Torah paused and watched Makki's reaction. It was worth it.

'What the fuck did you just say?' Makki asked. She could not believe her ears. Helio? Torah's Helio? The Helio who makki knew would never dare to try and hurt or let anyone hurt Torah.

'Yes and it's like it never happened' Torah sighed 

'Wait wait wait, how'd you find out?'

'I saw it through the camera in our room'

'Your shared bedroom?' Makki asked with her eyes wide open 'the same bedroom y'all fuck in?' 

Torah laughed at her friend out of embarrassment.

'-And why do you have a camera in your bedroom? Did you know that he wasn't loyal from before that?'

'About the camera thing, I saw this prank video that I wanted to try with him and I had someone install the camera and even though I didn't end up doing the prank I just didn't bother removing the camera and if I did I wouldn't have found out that Helio was cheating on me' Torah sighed and rubbed her head 'I really had no idea and in that specific moment I wanted to see if he was sleeping or something'

'Damn Torah…but are you just gonna let it slide'

'The thing is….on that same night I had sex with Kyo…'

'....YOU DID WHAT?' Makki yelled loudly, heads turned to stare at them and Makki shrinked in her seat.

'Sorry, but Torah that's so unexpected of you'

'I know…I wasn't really thinking and I guess I just…I don't know Makki'

'Well?' Makki smiled sneakily 

'Yes. He was good and it pains me to say this but he was better'

Makki gasped 'oh ho Torah you naughty girl'

Torah laughed awkwardly. 

'McKayda I'm pregnant'

Makki paused. Makki blinked. 


'You're the first person to know' Torah turned her head away 'I should've told Helio first but after all that's happened I don't know how'

Makki gave Torah a look and she immediately knew what she was thinking.

'I'm 12 weeks makki…that was barely two weeks ago' Torah murmured 'I'm barely showing, if you look really closely then maybe you'll see something and my symptoms aren't that showy so Helio wouldn't know'

'But Torah, why'd you have sex with Kyo knowing you were pregnant?' 

'As I said, I really wasn't thinking that night and it was just weird' Torah sighed at how messed up this whole situation was. 

'Well damn. I'm gonna be an aunt' Makki started tearing up which was very unexpected of her 'congratulations'

'Oh Makki' Torah said sadly

They hugged each other again, a hug filled with warmth.

Makki and Torah continued talking about the situation and how to go on. They spent a good amount of time at Sher's and decided to part ways. On their way to the parking lot they met Yenna and Kiana. 

Yenna, Makki and Torah were okay friends. They've known each other for a very long time but Makki & Torah were closer friends and Yenna found someone else. Torah had nothing against Yenna and in all honesty she kinda loved the girl. Yenna was a kind spirit who was a genuinely great friend.

The thought that one day Torah and Yenna would cross paths did that occur to Torah. Now here they are. Unlike Helio, Yenna seemed guilty. She refrained from making eye contact with Torah and seemed helpless. At that moment Torah did not regret having sex with her husband.

'Hi Yenna' Makki said to her with a hint of bitterness in her tone

'She's sick, we can't really stop to chat right now' Kiana said and kept Yenna at a distance and they quickly walked away. 

'It seems our dear old Yenna holds a lot of regrets' Makki laughed 

Torah was kind of out of it. She really needed a break. A break that included love and care and not one that included pain and tears. She hugged Makki one last time and departed.


'I couldn't look at her' Yenna cried. Kiana took her to her house because she pleaded that she didn't want to face Kyo after she saw Torah in the parking lot.

Kiana didn't want to deal with Yenna's drama but she loved her too much. Yenna sat on the sofa in the living room and Kiana was gently rubbing the back of her almost sleeping daughter. Her other daughter went out with her father for food because no one felt like cooking.

'Yenna it's not healthy for you to continue living like this' kiana told her 'I know you can't truly be happy right now but you need to take into consideration your baby and try your hardest for them' 

Upon hearing that Yenna touched her flat stomach. Kiana's right. There's no way to make things right and she needs to carry on for the sake of her child. She'll tell you about the baby and they will be a happy family again. Kyo didn't have to know what she did. She also knew Helio wasn't gonna tell him and risk losing Torah.


Helio's probably so happy right now. Why can't she?

Kiara fell asleep and Kiana gently picked her up and took her to her room. She made sure she was sleeping alright and that the bed was safe and she wouldn't fall off. She then went and sat beside Yenna who was lost in thought.

They sat in a comfortable  silence, thinking about different things until Skye and Siara returned. 

Yenna felt like she was intruding and she excused herself and went home.

'Is everything okay with Yenna?' Skye asked Kiana

'Not really…Yenna's going through a lot right now' 

'It's showing…take care of her okay'

'That's what I'm doing'

Kiara woke up and she was currently eating with her sister and they talked non-stop about Barbie. 

Kiana loved this. She loved her small family and she wished for nothing to ever break them apart. Nothing.



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