She whistled as she made her way to the locker room and to her surprise Yenna was curled in the corner sniffling. Kiana had been giving Yenna the silent treatment for quite a good while. She was just not the same anymore. Kiana felt guilty for not consoling her friend but she just couldn't be around her. 

Kiana wasn't a bad person and she loved Yenna to death. She knew that she would have to talk to Yenna eventually and that Yenna's mistake wouldn't be the end of their friendship. Seeing Yenna like this sent a sharp pain through Kiana's body.


Kiana bent down and hugged her friend. Yenna broke down in her arms. Kiana was a safe space for Yenna. Their bond was irreplaceable and even though  both women had their ways they could always count on each other.

'Kiana I think I might be' Yenna bit her lip to stop herself from finishing her statement.

Kiana's body got tense but then she relaxed. No. It wasn't possible. 

'Kyo?' Kiana questioned 

'I don't know kia' yenna mumbled holding her head down

'Yenna it would be impossible for it to be his…it's definitely Kyo's' Kiana urged 

'But kia I couldn't possible tell him about what I did now' Yenna sighed

Oh right. 

'Yenna this situation is just so fucked up' kiana sighed and sat with her back on the wall.

'Yenna don't worry the timeline just doesn't add up so it couldn't be Helio's and I don't know anymore, Kyo deserves to know but I don't know how that will go' kiana looked at her 'did you take a test?'


'What lead you to the thought'

'I missed my period and I was feeling unwell in the mornings and stuff like that' 

'Dr. Rose can get you checked out'


Both women sat together, staring out of space. The ache in Kiana's body was long forgotten and the ache in Yenna's heart grew larger. 


Teren made plans in the boys gc for the longtime friends to meet up at the blackout and catch up and chill. Teren told everyone at 8pm. Everyone was on time except for him who arrived at 8:17.

'Thought you said we were supposed to get here at 8' Ethan said. Teren and Ethan were the closest in their friend group. They have known each other since birth and grew up together. Their partner's are also best friends .

'Man go fuck off' Teren rolled his eyes.

The group all greeted each other and sat in the vip lounge area with a glass table in the middle. 

'Skye I honestly thought you wouldn't come tonight' Teren laughed. Skye was a very responsible man. He wasn't the only one in the group who had children but he took his title as a father very seriously and would rather be with his children than do pointless things like partying.

'Kiana actually forced me to' Skye laughed and racked his hand through his hair 'she told me I need to stop living like this' 

'Even your girl knows' Ethan laughed 

'Anyways what have y'all been up to and Thomas welcome back man'

They all exchanged stories over food and drinks and the night went on smoothly. Until.

Akira Rowe. Akira Rowe showed up at the blackout with her arms intertwined with a man. She was laughing at whatever he was saying. She had on a short, tight black dress that did justice to her body. Everyone was looking at her even without meaning to. Akira was that beautiful.

Ethan was raging inside. Who is that? Why is she with him? 

'Ethan?' Someone shook him. It was Aaron. 

'Sorry, damn that's my PA' Ethan mumbled, unable to take his eyes off of her. He felt overly possessive at this moment. Akira isn't yours Ethan. 

'She's hot.' Scott said out loud. 

He got side-eyed from all the boys because he had a girlfriend and there was no need for him to voice his thoughts. 

'Ethan you're one lucky man' Scott continued without shame

'A married one' Skye jumped in

'Guys yeah Ethan's lucky and married but can we move on now' Teren tried to change the subject.

'I'm planning on keeping a baby shower for Shiana' Thomas said 'well her other friends are the one planning it really but whatever you guys can come, it's on the 6th of next month' Thomas finished saying 

'We'll all be there man' Teren cheered for Thomas.


It isn't suspicious to excuse yourself from your friends to meet your PA when they're clearly on a date right? Ethan didn't think so. He saw the opportunity and took it.

Akira was standing before him and was looking him directly in the eyes.

'What the fuck are you doing and who is that' Ethan questioned her.

'I'm on a date..I'm an adult you know' she argued 'and 'that' is none of your business'

'None of my business? what's your business is mines' He shot back 'I can't believe you're out here with another dude..are you fucking him too?'

'You are so unbelievable right now Ethan, you literally have a fucking wife' Akira laughed 'you've got a lot of audacity in you, don't you'

'Listen to me Akira I don't fuck you for free' He grabbed the back of her neck and spun her around, now her ass was sitting on his dick 'you belong to me'

Akira gasped, she was not expecting that. Ethan was fucking crazy. He let go off of her and hissed under his breath. Akira was driving him crazy.

'Whatever you have with that man ends tonight' Ethan warned 

'Like hell it is' Akira thought

Akira walked away from Ethan without saying a word. She did not plan on letting this son of a bitch ruin her night.



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