Farewell's and The Nation of Contracts

Start from the beginning

But what's great about fate is also what makes it so cruel, because this world was the exception, he already had someone else in his heart, someone who he hoped was waiting for him, and he didn't want to disappoint her.

And with that, he already had his answer, there are stories that talk about predestined love, and unfortunately for Jean, he already had one.

He took a deep breath "I'm honored that someone like you would like someone like me Jean, you are a wonderful person, I'm sure that whoever you choose to be your partner would be more than happy, I'm even very happy that you chose me" A small smile appeared on the woman's face, but it was not one of happiness but one of regret "But I can't reciprocate your feelings"

Jean sighed, without moving her hand from above his as she lowered her head "... Do you already have someone special?" The boy nodded.

The woman sighed again, It was the answer she expected but not the one she wanted, with all the effort the boy made to return to Inazuma it was not unexpected that it was to meet someone special again, but still she clinched to that little bit of hope that he would stay by her side, that the future she dreamed of them living the rest of their lives together would become true, but it wasn't meant to be.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a squeeze on her hand, when she looked up, Aether was looking into her eyes, it was not her usual look but a more affectionate one, one full of compassion and understanding.

"Jean, thank you, for everything, and I'm sorry that I can't accept your feelings, it wouldn't be fair to be with you while I have someone else in my mind"

"She... is a very lucky woman, to have someone like you she must be very charming and a great person, I have to admit that I even feel a little jealous of her" For the first time that night, a small laugh escaped Jean's lips.

"She is, she is also very stubborn, she always has to be right, she is not shy but she does not like to interact with people and she has an obsession with deserts" The boy looked out the bedroom window "She may not be perfect to everyone, but she is to me, I know that she is waiting for me and I won't let her down"

"Sighh" the woman sighed "I never stood a chance did I?" Jean's mood already seemed a little better, she even let out a small laugh.

"Maybe? I had to rethink some things these last days, I already told you what I thought of you, you are a beautiful and intelligent person, almost everyone would not hesitate to accept your confession" Jean turned her head away from Aether's gaze.

"...You should be careful about your choice of words, people can misinterpret your words and think that you are flirting with them, I certainly did" Aether also turned his head to look at the other side of the room.

The two remained silent for a few seconds until a small laugh escaped from both of their lips and once the first came out, neither of them could help but burst out laughing.

"I'm going to miss you Aether, our conversations, the time we spent together, even if we weren't together I would have liked you to stay here, I'm sure the whole city will miss you when you leave" the two looked at each other again.

"I'm going to miss you too Jean, and everyone, everyone was so nice to me and helped me find a way to get back to Inazuma without knowing me, I really appreciate you all, when I get to Inazuma I'll send you a letter to come visit during summer, Klee will surely love it"

"I'm not going to wait for you to get to Inazuma for you to write to me, you better do it before, speaking of helping you..." The woman got up from the chair and walked to the desk in front of a window on one side of the room, she grabbed a small envelope and returned to her seat next to the boy "I managed to get you a meeting with Lady Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, she can help you return to Inazuma by boat, ask the city guards to tell you how to get to the Jade Chamber, once there present this letter to one of her secretaries, she already knows about your situation and will be waiting for you" Aether received the letter and read it, as Jean said, it contained all the details of the boy's situation and the explicit request of the Mondstadt Acting Grand Master that Lady Ningguang would help him in any way she can.

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