Prologue Part Two: Eternal Sleep

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How did everything go so wrong?

At one point, she and Aether were enjoying a picnic on the outskirts of Inazuma City, but minutes later, they find themselves fighting with monsters coming from every direction, soldiers running around like headless chickens, citizens that don't know where to evacuate, there is no trace of either Makoto, Lumine, Saiguu or Chiyo, they are on their own.

After fighting countless monsters, they had a little time to compose themselves, at least there were no more monsters in the area, instinctively, they searched for each other, their serious gazes relaxed upon seeing that the other was fine, tired and dirty, but fine anyway.

"Ei, what is going on?!" The boy asked frantically as he leaned on the girl, Ei quickly grabbed him in her arms, it was not hard to see that the boy was exhausted.

"I-I-I don't know...I don't remember anything like this since... the archon war" Ei continues to hold the boy in her arms, letting him rest, but suddenly, she hears a familiar voice in the distance.

"Ei! Aether!" It was Saiguu, she came running towards the two.

"Sagiuu! Are you okay? where is Makoto?" Ei asked the Kitusne.

"Makoto is with Lumine, I don't know where, but they are together, but we have another problem" From Saiguu's face, it seemed to be something serious.

"What is going on?"

"Its Chiyo, she has been corrupted, It does not recognize us, it is attacking soldiers and monsters without differentiating one from the other" Ei and Aether could see how Saiguu's ears were very low, practically hanging, her face did not show it, but the Kitsune contained an enormous sadness.

"What? what happened with Chiyo?" For the first time since Ei took him in her arms, Aether spoke.

"We were together defending the forest under the Shrine, she alone defeated the biggest beast, but when I went to see how she was, her eyes turned red, and she started attacking me, the soldiers who helped us tried to contain her, but they couldn't, I managed to reduce it, but she is too strong for me, I had to look for you Ei, you are the only one who can defeat her" For the first time, they both noticed how Saiguu's hand was covered in blood.

"I'm going, Saiguu, stay with Aether, both of you help save the civilians, then we'll go to the Tenshukaku to find Makoto, Lumine and Miko" Saiguu nodded, but Aether separated from Ei and looked her straight in the eye.

"I'm going with you" Exclaimed Aether

"No, It's too dangerous, you're not fit to fight"

"I won't take no for an answer, I'm coming with you and it's final"

"Aether, please, don't do this to me, you're not fit, I don't want to put you at risk"

"I'm your partner Ei, I'm going to go with you, I'm not going to leave you alone in the moment you need the most" Aether y looked at Ei, his face, full of security, he knew the risks he was taking, but he was not going to let his partner fight alone"

"...fine, but at all times you will be by my side, do not go to face her alone, we will do it together, understood?" Ei made a serious face, she knew what they were up against, Chiyo was one of the most powerful beings in all of Inazuma

"Yes, now let's go"

"Wait! Before you go" Saiguu called the both of them.

"Saiguu? Wha-" Ei's question was interrupted by the Kitsune, who hugged the archon with all her might.

"Thank you for everything Ei, I promise you that I will defend our precious Inazuma with everything I have" Ei didn't see it, but a tear escaped from Saiguu's eye.

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