One Ocean Away

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*Sea of Inazuma*

The sun's rays shone on the horizon, the sea was quite calm, in the middle of nowhere, a boat was sailing to Liyue, at first it didn't seem like it was anything out of the ordinary, it was one of the many weekly boats that left for the container, but what was special was who was traveling on it, after so long, the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine was leaving Inazuma towards the continent, but this time, it wasn't on official business, this was something personal for her.

For the first time in more than 500 years she feels something change in her, her vision was trying to tell her something, the last time she felt something similar was... the day her entire family disappeared, like in a single day she lost everything.

But if she was right about this, she could get some of her family back, maybe it's nothing and it could be the product of her imagination, but the coincidences were there, she promised that even if there was a slight chance she would reunite her family back and if Ei wasn't able to do it, it was her duty to try, not only as her familiar but as her friend.

The Inazuma mountains slowly disappeared from the Guuji's vision, this was perhaps one of the few times that the atmosphere in these seas was calm, usually the Shogun would unleash storms to keep away those who want to enter the islands without authorization.

Miko put her scarf back around her neck, she had changed a lot since the last time she saw him, but if there is one thing that has never changed in these five hundred years, it was the scarf, since the day he gave it to her she took care of it as if her life depended on it, it was the last thing connecting her with him after all and if by chance they meet once again he will have something to recognize her, she was a little fox the last time they met and now she is a fully grown kitsune.

Now that she thinks about it, how will he react to her once or if he sees her again? Because she remember that he got quite flustered with Ei and Makoto for the first few weeks they lived on the Tenshukaku, will he react the same way with her? That could be very amusing... now she can't get out of her head the imagine of him squirming when she gets too close to him, that should be very cute and very entertaining.

Now she has something more to look forward once she finds him, surely she won't mind if she takes him for herself for a few days before going back? She is the one who is traveling to the other side of the world to find him after all.

While Guuji continues to plan what she is going to do to poor Aether if she finds him, without her noticing, her vision that rested top of her chest began to lightly shine in bright purple color.

*Stormterror's Lair, Brightcrown Mountains, Mondstadt*

Aether had fought a goddess before, he had even beaten her a few times, but that was many years ago, plus his new powers and the lack of some of his previous abilities made everything more difficult. Venti and Aether had a little connection, the archon and the traveler complemented each other quite well, but this was the first time the two had fought alongside Jean, the Grand Master was trying her best not to lose pace with the other two but time it was more difficult for her, her companions seemed to be on a completely different level.

Dvalin meanwhile continued with his attacks, launching himself towards the platform where the three were who managed to avoid it by running from one side to the other and flying through the air thanks to Venti's powers, when he got closer Jean and Aether quickly attacked the dragon as this was their only chance to hit him directly with their swords.

But with each minute that passed, Jean arrived later and later to the position of her companions, the battle had lasted longer than they expected and she was already beginning to suffer the consequences, if it weren't because Venti pushed her with gusts of wind, she would have already been hit by the wings of the dragon.

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