play auditions

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Moon was able to talk Erin into coming to the play auditions

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Moon was able to talk Erin into coming to the play auditions. It didn't really take that much convincing, but she was happy that Erin was planning on showing up. Erin was debating it at first, but when she remembered that it'd be a way to spend more time with Moon and rebuild their friendship again, she was all for it. But, of course, she didn't mention that to Moon. She didn't want to seem desperate. "Hey, Erin" Moon says with a smile as she walks over to Erin, who is surprisingly with Cole "You coming?"

"Yeah, I'm coming" Erin says quietly as she goes to walk into the school.

"I'll see you at home, Cole" Moon says awkwardly before following Erin into the school "I'm so nervous. Like, what happens if I mess up my lines? Or what happens if I'm having an off day?"

"Are you going for Beatrice?" Erin asks Moon.

"No, I'm going for Hero" Moon says with a nod "Normally I would audition for the main role but there is too much going on in my mind for that right now."

"Well, I think you'll be amazing" Erin says with a smile "Just don't stress yourself out."

"You'll do great too" Moon says as she opens the door to the auditorium to see that auditions have already started.

"Another auditioner" Mr Choudhry says, making everyone look at the two girls "Welcome, you two are just in time. We're almost through. Uh, what monologues will you be preforming?"

"America Ferrera's monologue from the new Barbie movie" Moon says with a smile.

"I, uh, I don't have a monologue" Erin awkwardly says before turning to Moon and whispering "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you knew" Moon whispers to Erin.

"This is stupid, sorry" Erin says as she goes to walk out, but sees Danny standing behind her and Moon.

"Erin?" Danny asks with a smile "You're auditioning for the play?"

"No" Erin quickly says "Just came to support Moon."

"It's okay to be nervous" Moon says to Erin with a soft smile.

"Just shows that you care" Danny adds on, matching Moon's smile.

"Please, I'm not" Erin persists "Why would I be nervous? I'm not even auditioning."

"Okay" Danny says as he goes to sit down.

"Um, maybe I am auditioning" Erin says as she turns back around to face Mr Choudhry "Much Ado About Nothing is like, my favourite play ever."

"And why is that?" Mr Choudhry asks Erin.

"I feel like I am Beatrice" Erin answers "Which, okay, sounds narcissistic, but I know what it's like to be let down by the people I love."

"Keep going" Mr Choudhry encourages.

"Beatrice is treated so horribly by Benedict" Erin starts off "She's tricked into falling in love for a guy who doesn't take relationships seriously. Her friends and family treat her like she's a joke, like her feelings don't matter. And she doesn't deserve that. Before everyone tricks her, she's perfectly happy not being married and doing her own thing. And if.. if she'd end up alone, at least she'd be free. And you know what? She would've enjoyed every minute of that freedom."

"She's totally getting Beatrice" Moon whispers to Danny with a smile, who nods his head in agreement.

"That was fantastic. Absolutely fantastic" Mr Choudhry says to Erin with a smile "Moon, would you like to show us your monologue?"

"I mean, I'm not sure how I'd follow that but sure" Moon says as she puts her bag down and walks to the front.

"Just start whenever you're ready" Mr Choudhry says, which makes Moon nod in return.

"It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong" Moon starts as she sees Isaac walk into the auditorium and sits in the back row "You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin. You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's crass. You have to be a boss, but you can't be mean. You have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas. You're supposed to love being a mother, but don't talk about your kids all the damn time. You have to be a career woman but also always be looking out for other people. You have to answer for men's bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of complaining. You're supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood. But always stand out and always be grateful. But never forget that the system is rigged. So find a way to acknowledge that but also always be grateful. You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line. It's too hard! It's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault. I'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us. And if all of that is also true for a doll just representing women, then I don't even know."

"Wow, Moon, just wow" Mr Choudhry says in shock "You have a God given talent. What role are you auditioning for?"

"Hero" Moon says with a smile "And thank you, Mr C, that means a lot."

"Well done, Moon" Mr Choudhry says as Moon grabs her bag and goes to sit in the back, next to Isaac.

"What are you doing here?" Moon asks with a smile "Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"I came to watch your audition" Isaac tells Moon with a smile "You were amazing, as always."

"Thank you" Moon says, with her smile getting even bigger as her cheeks heat up.

"I love watching you act, you know?" Isaac tells Moon "Whenever you're on stage, you just stand out to me. Well, you do stand out to me all the time, but when you're on stage, you're just... you're just more amazing, which I didn't even think was even possible. And I just love watching you act so much because it's something you love doing."

"Yeah, I do love it" Moon says with a smile "It was a way for me to pretend to be someone that I'm not. You know, forget about everything that was going on at home and just feel loved, for once in my life, I felt truly loved. Once I felt that feeling, I just didn't want it to go away. I just wanted to feel that feeling forever, you know?"

"Well, what about now?" Isaac says.

"Now I feel like I'm closer to feeling like that" Moon says, looking at Isaac.

1198 Words

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