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"Is Moon okay?" Lee asks as they are all sat outside of the principal's office "I haven't seen her move since we got here" Lee mentions, making all of the siblings look over to see Moon, looking completely zoned out, holding an ice pack to her lip...

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"Is Moon okay?" Lee asks as they are all sat outside of the principal's office "I haven't seen her move since we got here" Lee mentions, making all of the siblings look over to see Moon, looking completely zoned out, holding an ice pack to her lip, while staring at the floor. They hadn't seen her look this broken in a very long time.

"It's stuff about her dad" Danny tells Lee "She's kind of spooked out."

"Shit" Cole mutters, feeling guilty. Cole promised himself that he'd make sure Moon never felt like that again, and because of his stupid actions, she was back in the same place she was when she first moved in.

After realising what Danny meant, Isaac walks over to Moon and kneels in front of her "Hey" He whispers to her, gently placing a hand on her knee, which normally relaxes her, which it did "Everything is gonna be okay. No one is going to hurt you, especially him."

"You promise?" Moon asks Isaac as she looks at him, holding her pinky out.

"I promise" Isaac says with a small smile, locking his pinky with hers.

"Alex and Cole, you have a three-day suspension" Katherine says as she walks out of the principal's office "And the rest of you are suspended till tomorrow. So I guess we're going home. Now!"


"Your mother and I don't tolerate fighting" George says to the boys and Moon, who are sat at the dining table "That's not new, is it?"

"You're not a bunch of toddlers" Katherine adds on "You should be able to resolve your differences without resorting to violence" She says before seeing that Alex and Moon's heads aren't facing her, with Moon resting her head on Alex's shoulder "Look at me. Now." She says to the two, making them turn around but Moon still kept her head on Alex's shoulder. "You two are brothers" Katherine says specifically to Alex and Cole "What you have is precious, and it's fragile, and God knows it can be ripped away from you in a second. You're all grounded for a month."

"What?" They all say at the same time.

"What about the play auditions?" Danny asks for him and Moon.

"You can do the play auditions, but only because that is apart of school" Katherine says to Danny.

"And you will be doing some extra chores before school until I say otherwise" George adds on.

"That's not fair" Lee complains "I mean, we weren't even fighting."

"I'm sorry, do you think this is just about the fight?" Katherine asks "We know you've been covering for Cole while he sneaks girls into his room in the middle of the night. You're allowed to have boundaries and some privacy, but you're never ever allowed to sneak and lie. Got it?" She lectures and they all go to stand up and get their bags "I'm sorry. Did we say you're excused?" She asks, making them all sit back down.

"All of you will be staying in this room until these two figure it out" George says, pointing at Alex and Cole.

"Good luck" Katherine says before the two adults leave the room.

"Well, we are going to be here for a while" Moon says with a sigh, getting her notebook out.

After around fifteen minutes, Moon had moved next to Lee while they were both doing their history homework, Nathan was also doing homework, Danny was practicing his lines, Isaac was trying to nap, Alex was sat staring into space and Cole was glaring daggers into Alex's head. "Okay, okay. I think you've got it down" Isaac says to Danny, annoyed that he couldn't get to sleep "We all could say it at this point."

"Yeah, I'm with Isaac, stop" Nathan says in a much nicer tone than Isaac did "And you guys, can you just, like, figure it out? Because this fight is affecting all of us right now."

"Really?" Cole asks "It seems like it's affecting me mainly, though, right? You know, the one with the black eye?" Cole says, which makes Isaac scoff.

"And look at Moon's lip" Isaac says, glaring at Cole "That because of you. Her ending up crying was because of you. She was affected too, you know?"

"Can we just not talk about it?" Moon says quietly. Since the fight, Moon had barley said a word. Usually she is a very talkative person, but right now, you could barley remember that she is sat there.

"Moon, I'm sorry about your lip" Cole says softly to Moon "It was an accident and I didn't mean to hit you."

"It's okay, accidents happen" Moon says, looking up from her homework "But what you can do to make it up to me is sort this thing out between you and Alex, 'cause it's honestly getting exhausting at this point."

"All right, fine" Cole says to Moon before looking at Alex "I didn't spread the rumor about you crying like a little bitch. I wish I had, of course, 'cause you snitched on me to Dad, but I didn't."

"I didn't snitch" Alex says defensively before sighing "Okay. I should have said no instead of saying nothing to Dad, but I didn't because of what you said about Jackie at the bonfire."

"What did you say about Jackie at the bonfire?" Lee asks, not knowing anything because he decided he couldn't be bothered to go.

"Yeah, what did you say?" Moon asks Cole as well.

"I kinda wanna know too" Danny adds on.

"You guys, can we focus?" Nathan asks, really wanting to just get this over with so he can go to his room.

"You know what, Alex?" Cole asks "I forgive you for punching me. But I'm really sorry that you can't get over how jealous you are of me."

"Jealous?" Alex asks "Who could be jealous of someone who clearly peaked their sophomore year of high school?" Alex asks, making Cole stand up to go walk over to Alex, but gets stopped by Danny.

"Nathan, are you okay?" Moon asks Nathan as she sees him struggling to stay on his seat.

"I-I-I'm fine" Nathan mutters out before falling on the floor.

"Nathan!" Moon shouts as she gets up from her seat and runs over to him, catching the other boys attention.

"Somebody get mom and dad!"Cole says as he goes to check on Nathan, get like Moon has "Go!"

1062 Words

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