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Jackie and Moon had met up with Grace and Skylar at the Lark because Grace said she had questions for all three of them about last night

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Jackie and Moon had met up with Grace and Skylar at the Lark because Grace said she had questions for all three of them about last night. Moon was happy but also disappointed about last night. She was happy by the fact that she didn't just tell Isaac that she liked him but he also said that he likes her too and didn't just kiss her one but two times. But she was disappointed because a night of carefree fun ended up being one massive drama-fest.

As soon as Jackie and Moon walked into the Lark, all of the teenagers eyes landed on Jackie, but they ignored the eyes and walked over to Skylar and Grace, who were at the counter, talking to Kiley. "I don't care, he deserved it" Grace says, finishing off their conversation.

"Seriously" Jackie says, knowing exactly what the three were talking about.

"Okay, can you blame us?" Grace asks as the group goes to sit at a table, apart from Kiley, who just walks over to the table "I mean, that Bonfire fight between Cole and Alex was the most exciting thing to happen in Silver Falls ever. Like I'm literally dying."

"First, it's figuratively" Jackie corrects Grace "Second, I can blame you. You're supposed to be my friends. You shouldn't be adding to the gossip."

"I wouldn't worry" Skylar comforts Jackie "This will all blow over soon, and you'll be able to move on. Like how I'm moving on from the whole Nathan thing."

"Oh, you are?" Grace asks 'Cause rumor has it you're both not really done done."

"What?" Skylar asks.

"Oh yeah, Garret texted me about that" Moon says, making all of her friends look confused "What? He doesn't like drama but he likes to know about it and since Isaac tells him to shut up everytime he talks about it, Garret talks to me about it."

"So weird" Grace says "Never thought Garret would be one for gossip."

"I heard that too" Kiley says "Not the Garret thing, the Nathan and Skylar thing."

"Interesting I'm the last to know about my own relationship status" Skylar says with a scoff.

"And there is a rumor that Isaac and Moon are finally a couple" Grace says with a smile, hoping that it is true.

"No we're not a couple" Moon says with a sigh "We've said we both like each other but he hasn't asked me to be official."

"Closer than nothing I guess" Grace shrugs "But I don't know why them two are complaining. It's so cool to have rumors about you."

"It's really not" Moon, Jackie and Skylar say, which makes Moon look confused.

"Why do you think it's not good?" Jackie asks.

"There was this boy called Harry that I used to like and then we started dating" Moon explains to Jackie "And it was all good until someone spread a rumor that I was cheating on Harry with Isaac and then we started arguing more than we usually did but when we got over it he moved. So yeah, I know how bad it can be."

"Oh" Jackie says, not knowing what else to say.

"It's just awful that this is all happening to Alex again" Kiley says with a frown. Before Jackie moved to Colorado, Moon always thought that Kiley and Alex would become a couple. I mean, the way that Kiley acts around Alex just shows that she likes him. If Kiley acted how she does with Alex to Moon and Isaac wasn't in the picture, she would of probably fallen in love with Kiley.

"Yeah, he was so messed up after the Paige drama last summer" Moon agrees "Took us ages to cheer him up."

"I still don't get it" Jackie says "I mean, how could Cole have stolen Paige from Alex? She isn't property."

"I'm going to let you three take this" Kiley says to the people who know what happened "Uh, Jackie, Moon, do you two want anything?"

"Hot chocolate, please" Jackie says before Kiley looks over to Moon.

"I'll have the same, please" Moon says with a smile "Thanks Kiley" She says before Kiley walks away.

"Okay, look" Grace starts off "We didn't know whether to tell you this before."

"Yeah, it was all ancient history, it was before you got here" Skylar agrees.

"Um, okay, so basically Cole was away for the summer, rehabbing his leg in Colorado Springs, and while he was away, Paige had like, this totally hot glow up overnight" Grace explains.

"No one even knew who she was before that" Moon says "I had a class with her and I didn't even know who she was until Alex introduced me to her."

"And then she threw this huge farewell to summer party" Grace starts to explain again "And the whole school was there. Even Cole, he was on one or something. Anyways, Paige and Alex are attached by the hip until Alex goes to play pool with Moon, Lee and Isaac. And when he comes back he sees..."

"Do I wanna know?" Jackie says as Kiley brings over the hot chocolates for Moon and Jackie, which they thank her for.

"Paige was totally all over Cole" Grace says "They were making out. It was a huge thing."

"In front of everyone?" Jackie asks.

"Yeah" Skylar says "And I've rarely seen Moon angry before, but that day, she looked like she was about to punch Paige."

"I wanted to and I was going to" Moon says "But Isaac pulled me back since 'it wasn't my problem to get into' or something like that."

"It's worse than I thought" Jackie says to her friends.

"I mean, it was just a one time thing" Grace tells Jackie.

"But it sure shot Paige up the social ladder" Skylar adds on.

"It doesn't make what she did any better" Moon says "God, I hate Paige so much. She just brings out a side to me that no one sees because she irritates me that much."

"We know, Moon" Skylar says, putting a hand on Moon's shoulder "We know."

996 Words

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