nathan's love life

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TW - mentions of self-harm and mental health problems

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TW - mentions of self-harm and mental health problems

Last night Moon barley got any sleep. She had a nightmare about her dad and refused to go back to sleep afterwards. Recently, Moon's nightmares about her dad had became rare, so she didn't know why they were starting again now, it's not like she had seen him recently or was going to see him soon. "Hey Moon" Nathan says, walking over to Moon "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just a bit tired" Moon says with a small huff "Didn't get much sleep."

"Is it your dad?" Nathan asks, which makes Moon stay silent "Do I need to tell Isaac or Alex?"

"No, they don't need to know, it was just a one time thing" Moon tells Nathan to get him to stop worrying about her "Anyways, can we please change the conversation?"

"Um, so there is this guy that I like" Nathan says to change the conversation, making Moon look at him with a smile on her face.

"Oh my God! Tell me everything!" Moon says eagerly. Normally when Nathan and Moon would have their talks about boys, it was mostly Moon ranting about boys at school. There has only been one boy that Moon has liked before called Harry Whitehall and he told her that he liked her, but when the two were starting to get into a relationship, Harry ended up moving to Washington D.C., but she got over it eventually. And now she likes Isaac, so it's all worked out... or so she hopes.

"It's Skylar" Nathan nervously says, which makes Moon smile even more "I kind of realised it the day before the huddle when he was over at ours."

"You two would be so cute together!" Moon says happily "So, have you told him?"

"Have you met me?" Nathan asks.

"That is very true" Moon says with a small laugh as Nathan sees Skylar at his locker "You know you can go and talk to him. I'll just go find Alex or someone."

"Are you sure?" Nathan nervously asks, not wanting to leave Moon all by herself.

"Yes, I'm sure" Moon says with a smile "Now go!" She tells Nathan, who walks over to Skylar and Moon walks over to Alex's locker to find him there "How is my best friend on this fine day?"

"I'm good" Alex says "Are you okay, though? Your eyebags are really bad."

"It was just a nightmare, no big deal" Moon says with a shrug, not wanting it to be a massive deal like a lot of her nightmares were to the Walter family.

"Do I need to ask Mom to get you some sleeping pills again? Because if you want me to, I'll ask her for you?" Alex asks Moon. When Moon first moved into the Walter house, her mental health was very bad. Katherine had gotten Moon sleeping pills to try and help her sleep as she was too scared to go to sleep because she thought her dad would come and get her. Moon ended up having a lot of mental breakdowns, and one day Cole ended up seeing too many scars on Moon's wrists for them just to be an accident. Now, the boys have a no snitching rule, but they had to break it this one time for the safety of Moon, so once Cole had brought this up to his brothers and cousins, they went straight to Katherine and George about it. After a very long talk with Moon, Katherine had decided that it was best for Moon to go to therapy, which ended up helping her out a lot. While she no longer had a schedule for going anymore, Katherine always offered to take the girl whenever she needed.

"It was just one nightmare" Moon tells Alex "It's probably just a one off thing and please don't tell Isaac about this. You know how he gets whenever I have a one off nightmare or something; he acts as if I'm in a relapse or something."

"You can never be too sure" Alex says with a shrug "But if it happens again, please tell me. I won't tell Mom or Dad if you don't want me to, but just tell me. I'd rather you tell me than go through it by yourself."

"I promise I will tell you if I have another nightmare again" Moon says, putting her pinky up "Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise" Alex says with a small smile as he connects his pinky finger with hers. Moon does pinky promises all of the time. In her sixteen years of being alive, she has never once broken a pinky promise and it was always going to stay that way.

788 Words

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