cole and alex drama

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A lot had happened in the four days off of school

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A lot had happened in the four days off of school. Well, a lot for Jackie. She had decided to stay, much to Moon's excitement. Lee had also apologised for what he said at Thanksgiving and him and Isaac got their call with their dad. Alex also did his romantic gesture that Moon had gave him the idea of, and now him and Jackie are in a relationship. At first, Moon thought it was cute, and now with all of their PDA, Moon just finds it sickening and reminds her of how single and lonely she is. "Ugh, I'm so sick of third wheeling" Moon complains to Isaac and Garret as they are both waiting for Moon by her locker "Alex and Jackie are cute but they're also so sickening. It's like, okay, I know that I'm lonely but you don't need to rub it in my face."

"What are you talking about?" Garret asks Moon "You have Isaac!"

"Isaac isn't my boyfriend" Moon says to Garret, and out of the corner of her eye, she sees Isaac with a frown on his face... she was just imagining that, right? Why would Isaac be upset that she said that Isaac isn't her boyfriend? It's not like he likes her or anything... right?

"He basically is" Garret says "Right, Isaac?"

"Um, no, we're just friends" Isaac says, trying to hide the sadness in his voice. He knew that Moon likes him. It's not just him being cocky, it's him knowing the way she acts around people she likes and him knowing that she's acting that way around him. Like, he knows she won't admit it in front of him, but it still hurt him that Moon said he's not her boyfriend. He wants to be, he just needs to man up and ask her.

"Whatever you two say" Garret says, raising his hands in surrender.

"Why are you two even here?" Moon asks "I told yous this morning that for my free period I'm meeting Grace, Skylar and Jackie."

"Just wanted to come and see you" Isaac says with a shrug. Well, Isaac wanted to see Moon and he dragged Garret there with him.

"That's very nice of you but I've got to go" Moon says with a smile before quickly hugging Isaac "I'll see you two later" Moon says before speed walking to the library to see Jackie, Skylar and Grace already there "Sorry I'm late, Isaac and Garret were waiting by my locker."

"We guessed it was something to do with Isaac" Skylar says with a smile as Moon sits down next to Jackie "We were just talking about the bonfire and Alex and Jackie's PDA."

"Oh yeah, the reminder of me being lonely" Moon says with a laugh "Yeah, I hate it."

"It does feel a little extra" Jackie says with a nervous shrug "Right? In public?"

"Yeah, it's too much in public" Moon agrees "It just gets to the point where it's disgusting. And I mean that in the nicest way possible, you and Alex are a lovely couple."

"He was not like this at all over winter break" Jackie mentions "Or when we're at home."

"Really?" Grace asks "'Cause he wasn't like this with Paige either."

"He wasn't" Skylar agrees.

"Grace, shouldn't we leave this for Alex to tell Jackie?" Moon says to Grace, trying to give her a hint to drop the conversation.

"Wait, what?" Jackie asks "Alex and Paige used to date?"

"Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty sure she was Alex's first" Grace says "Wasn't she, Moon?"

"Do you not get hints?" Moon asks Grace, which makes Grace look confused "And by first she means girlfriend."

"Yes, first girlfriend" Skylar says, covering for Grace.

"I don't know why he didn't tell me" Jackie says, kind of looking hurt.

"Probably because of Cole" Grace mentions, making Moon rest her head in her hands.

"Oh God" Moon mutters before lifting her head up "I think we should let Alex tell her this, not us."

"No, tell me" Jackie says to Moon.

"Well, Cole and Paige hooked up, right?" Grace tells Jackie "So I'm sure Alex is trying to prove something, especially now you guys are together."

"I'm not following" Jackie says, confused.

"Cole and Alex, they fought over Paige" Grace says, making Moon rest her head in her hands again. She did not want to be involved in this, at all.

"Fought over?" Jackie asks.

"Well, it wasn't like fighting per se" Grace says "It was more like, uh, Cole stole Paige right out from Alex."

"Cole did what?" Jackie shouts, making the librarian tell them to be quiet.

"If it makes you feel any better, you're way less problematic than Paige" Grace says to Jackie.

"That's true" Skylar says in agreement.

"If you and Alex end up arguing over this" Moon says, lifting her head up from her hands "I was never involved. I told you nothing."

809 Words
A fill in chapter before the Bonfire chapter! Honestly you don't know how excited I am for you all to read the Bonfire chapter!

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