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TW - mentions of abuse

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TW - mentions of abuse

"Hi guys" Grace says happily as she walks over to Lee, Isaac, Nathan and Moon, who are going to get their lunch. Moon didn't really want to be around Isaac right now because she thought things would be awkward, but she promised Nathan she'd have lunch with him because he wanted to speak about the whole Skylar thing, and apparently that involved Isaac and Lee as well. But don't worry, Moon is still wearing Isaac's jacket. "Isaac, Moon, since I'm your official matchmaker, right?"

"Yeah, sure" Isaac says, making Moon feel even more awkward.

"So I can ask you two anything, right?" Grace asks them. Oh, god, what is Grace up to?

"I guess" Moon says to Grace.

"Okay, so, about these rumors being spread about Alex" Grace starts to say to Moon and Isaac.

"Okay, well I'm not... I'm not going there so--" Isaac goes to say but gets interrupted.

"Don't you have better things to do?" Lee bluntly asks Grace, knowing that Isaac will probably say something stupid.

"Lee, this is important" Grace says, sounding a bit offended "Um, so you said 'not going there' so there is something, right?"

"No, Grace. That's a bit of a stretch" Nathan adds in, also knowing that Isaac will say something stupid.

"Am I wrong?" Grace asks, which just makes Isaac take a bite out of his apple "I knew it" Grace says with a laugh "Okay, guys, I'm really trying to help here. Alex is going through it. I wanna clarify the rumors."

"We don't snitch" Nathan says.

"Well, I don't know what is going on here" Moon says being absolutely clueless "But even if I did, as much as I love you Grace, I don't want most of the people I live with not talking to me."

"We're not gonna tell you anything, so..." Lee says bluntly, again.

"Well" Isaac goes to start to say something stupid, which Nathan and Lee were trying to avoid "Alex snitched."

"He did?" Moon asks "When? How did I not know this?"

"He wouldn't do that" Nathan adds on.

"Well, he told Uncle George that Cole is sneaking girls inside the house" Isaac says. And there is the stupid thing that Isaac was going to say.

"Dude" Lee says, hitting Isaac on the arm.

"Alex snitched on him for that?" Moon asks "And as well, don't snitch" Moon says, also hitting Isaac on the arm.

"What? Alex said it first so it's technically not snitching" Isaac tries to explain. 

"It's still snitching" Lee argues back with his brother.

"It's not" Isaac says back.

"Wait, wait, wait" Grace says to shut the boys up "Does that mean Paige was one of the girls he was sneaking in?"

"Hey, no" Nathan says "We don't know that."

"But she could have been" Grace says with a smile "Interesting. Okay, thanks guys" She says happily before walking away.

"Nice, dude" Lee says to Isaac with a sarcastic smile.

"What an idiot" Moon says to Isaac, matching Lee's sarcastic smile.

"You proud of yourself?" Lee asks Isaac "Yeah, good job. Good job. Yeah."

"This is getting out of control" Nathan tells the three "Why do people care so much?"

"Because they have nothing better to do" Moon suggests. After they had gotten lunch, the four went to sit down so that Nathan could explain the whole thing with Skylar.

"Do you guys think I should go to Monty's to make things up with Skylar?" Nathan asks them after explaining.

"I mean, I don't know" Isaac says, being bored of the conversation "You were kind of like a level nine-thousand clinger, so..."

"Wait, really?" Nathan asks in shock.

"Dude, a song?" Isaac asks "You don't do that until, like... marriage."

"Well, I think it was sweet to write him a song. It was a romantic thing to do" Moon says, glaring at Isaac before looking at Nathan "I just think it was too early to do that, I mean, you guys aren't even in a relationship yet. It would have been the perfect time for like a special occasion though."

"But some people just need space" Isaac argues.

"But when you like someone they want to feel special" Moon argues with Isaac "You wouldn't know that because you don't put more than the bare minimum into a relationship."

"Yeah, like you can say anything?" Isaac asks with a scoff "You've been in one relationship in your life and it was probably one of the most toxic relationships I've ever seen. Every time you went to see him, you'd come back crying, oh, and who was there to take care of you when you got home? That's right, it was me."

"Well at least my relationships lasted longer than two weeks" Moon argues back "You've never actually been in a proper relationship."

"Guys, shut up and look at this" Lee says, showing Isaac, Moon and Nathan a video on his phone of Alex and Cole fighting, making the four of them run into the theater, straight over to Alex and Cole to try and pull them apart, but as they were trying to pull them apart, Cole accidentally punched Moon in the face.

Moon pulled out of the fight in shock. The memories started flooding back into her head. The memories of coming home to her drunken dad. The memories of the pain she'd feel punch after punch after punch. The memories of cleaning herself up. The memories of locking her bedroom door so her dad couldn't hurt her. The memories of her crying in her room, all alone, just wanting someone to hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay. Suddenly, Moon felt her chest tightening as her breath started becoming quicker. The room started spinning as she fell to the floor, with tears coming out of her eyes. She didn't want to go back there. She didn't want to remember him. She just wanted it all to go away.

"Moon" Danny says, noticing Moon on the floor as he goes to kneel in front of her "Moon, are you okay?"

"Not again" Moon whispers as more tears flow down her eyes, making Danny instantly know what is wrong. When Moon first moved in, she would have flashbacks of her dad and ever time she did, she would always say 'not again'.

"Hey, Moon, it's going to be okay" Danny softly says to Moon, placing a hand on her knee "Your dad isn't here and he's not coming back anytime soon, I promise you."

"Not again" Moon repeats "I don't want to go back. Don't make me go back there."

"You're not going back, Moon" Danny says "You're safe. Okay? You're gonna be okay."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" A teacher shouts as he runs into the auditorium "That's enough! All of you principal's office now!"

"Hey, Moon, we have to go" Danny softly says to Moon as she looks up at him, to show blood dripping from her lip "Are you okay to stand up?" He asks, which is only answered with a nod as he helps her stand up as they all walk out of the auditorium.

1169 Words

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