Leo's box looked to be a pretty decent size, it was in a rectangle shaped box. Mikey than gave everyone their presents and gave them a small smile as he waited for them to open and see what was inside. They all thanked Mikey, Leo didn't waste anytime opening his gift.

When it was opened all he could do was stare at his gift in shock and amazement. It was a little art statue of himself! It looked amazing! It was filled with tiny details, it looked almost realistic. It looked like it was made with little scraps of paper, it was super colorful as well! He jumped up from his spot and gave Mikey a big hug. Mikey hugged back happy to know Leo liked his gift. Mikey looked at the others to see their reaction to their gifts.

Donnie picked up the sweater from the box and gave a small smile, he loved it. Not only was it his favorite color but it was soft as well. It also had such an amazing design in the front of it. It was Donnie's face but like he was in a spaceship or was he the spaceship? He didn't care, he loved it so much! He also got up and pat Mikey's head before giving him a small hug.

Raph opened his gift gently to make sure he didn't destroy anything that was inside of the box. When he opened the lid he was met with the cutest site ever! It was a light red stuffed bear, it had a red mask over its face and it was wearing a dark red cape. In the middle it of it's chest it had 1 letters, R.  The size of the stuffed bear surprised him a bit. It wasn't massive, but it was pretty big. Well more like it was big to the others but a good size for Raph, he had a tear slip down his eye as he got up and joined the others in the group hug.

Splinter opened up his gift, he was excited to see what it was, maybe a expensive cheese or one of those things that help scratch his back? Oh! Or maybe it was a brand new massager! Since he saw all his sons get amazing gift from orange. He knew his would be just as good or maybe even better! When he finally took out his gift he smile fell, it was just an ordinary brown mug. It wasn't bad, he didn't mind a new mug, it just wasn't something he expected from orange. He just smiled at orange and thanked his for the new mug.

"Oh I also forgot to mention that most of the stuff was actually hand made! Other than the mug," he said the last part more quietly, they all looked shocked and were ready to give mikey another big hig before realizing that they had to continue to give out gift. So instead they thanked Mikey again.

Afterwards Raph headed over to the tree to grab his gifts for the others. Leo couldn't help but be amazed by the size of his gift, it was almost the same size as him! It was a blue and had a much darker blue bow on top of it. He was excited to see what Raph got him and he couldn't wait!

He took longer to open the present due to it's size, but he couldn't feel anything but joy and excitement to find a big pink fluffy stuffed unicorn toy inside. He squealed in joy and hugged the unicorn tightly, "OMG OMG OMG! THANK YOU RAPH! I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT!!" He looked at Raph with tears in his eyes, he gave Raph a huge smile, Raph just smiled back at his brother.

"It's no problem Leo, I saw it in a store and the first thought that popped in my head when I saw it was 'Leo would love this!' so I decided to get it for you for Christmas. Glad to know you enjoyed it!"

Mikey smiled at his brothers, he was happy that Leo enjoyed his gift so much. Mikey's gift was more smaller than Leo's gift but it didn't bother Mikey in the slightest, it was orange with a darker orange bow like Leo's. He knew his gift would be just as great as Leo, so he was excited. He started to open his gift, he then opened up the box and the gift that he saw brought a big smile to his face.

It was a big box filled with so many different art supplies. He pulled everything out to see what he had and was amazed by how much supplies was inside. He saw so many different brushes, brand new bottles of paint, so many stickers, a brand new sketchbook and so much more! He put everything back inside the box making sure nothing was left behind. He got up and gave Raph a big hug before thanking him and sar back down in his spot. He looked to Donnie who was smiling at his gift.

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