Meet... Alex!

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     Lafayette's POV

"I wonder how John's doing with his new roommate", Hercules says. "I don't know but we should probably check on him", i say.

Baguette: Hey Mon ami you ok? How's your roommate? Tell me EVERYTHING.

Hot Pants: Yeah what happened with you and your crush? >:)

Gay Turtle: HBFWn ahg gknwirbguebi3ui5bbBBIYBNIuq731379r4w7

Hot Pants: Yep your gay

Gay Turtle: I'm making a group chat with us and Alexander. I want you to meet him.

Baguette: Why cant you just call us and have him talk to us

Hot Pants: Or invite him to our dorm

Gay Turtle: Because Alex is at the coffee shop and im too impatient to wait for him to come back. 

Baguette: How about you add him to this group chat so you dont make a whole new one.

Gay Turtle: Ok fine 

                                                  Green eggs and Hamilton was added to the chat

Green eggs and Hamilton: Hello?

Baguette: Hello. I am Lafayette.

Hot Pants: I'm Hercules

Green eggs and Hamilton: Ok nice to meet you. I'm Alexander, John's roommate.

Baguette: Yes we know. John has said a lot of things about you

Green eggs and Hamilton: Like...what?

Baguette: He said stuff. A lot of stuff >:-D

Green eggs and Hamilton: Umm-i-am i a bad roommate or something???

Hot Pants:No you are not. John thinks you are awesome and have a great sense of humor. Don't listen to Laf.

Green eggs and Hamilton: Ok! :)

Hot Pants: Laf why do you put noses on your smiley faces?

Baguette:Because they are awesome.

Hot Pants:Lets let Alex decide. ALEX! Which one is better?

Hot Pants: :)

Baguette: :-)

Green eggs and Hamilton: This one :)


Baguette: Shut up Herc. Stupid americans.

Green eggs and Hamilton: Ok well i gotta go. Maybe we should have a party tonight at the bar? Invite friends?

Baguette: Im in

Hot Pants: 100% HELL YES!

Green eggs and Hamilton: Ok its settled. Ill tell John. You invite your friends.

Baguette: Got it, Mon ami


Baguette:Ok Herc calm down. Bye, Alex

Hot Pans:Bye

Green eggs and Hamilton: Bye guys

Roomates- A LAMS storyWhere stories live. Discover now