Ibtihaj, being her usual self, cleared her throat from behind them and then went on to say "wahala o" under her breath, knowing fully well Ayra and Ibrahim heard it. For the second time that night, Ayra was ready to throw her friend into a bush.

Meeting his parents – Salim and Fareeda – was nothing short of beautiful and Ayra let herself get immersed in the beauty of it all. The Fahads heartily greeted Ibtihaj too, leaving the latter surprisingly flustered. Their parents – hers, his, and Ibtihaj's – standing together and laughing between statements was the perfect picture and Ayra looked forward to seeing more of it in the future.

Salim took it upon himself to lead Ayra through the guests present, making introductions to those she didn't know and reintroducing her to those she knew one way or the other. Ibrahim stayed right beside her and she loved it so, so much. He didn't talk much but it wasn't surprising as she'd learned over the years that he was a social introvert and the only time he was a ball of energy was with his immediate family or with his circle of friends with whom he'd achieved great things with.

Like always, Ayra told herself that it was just another way in which they fit. He was the quiet one while she was the butterfly ready to make the most of social occasions. As people always say, opposites attract beautifully well.

There were so many congratulations and so many well wishes. One thing Ayra loved was how Ibtihaj wasn't left out as everyone congratulated her too. The engagement party being scheduled for that evening meant Falilat and Al-Amin couldn't throw the party they wanted for their daughter and it'd made Ayra feel guilty until Ibtihaj successfully assured them all that she was going to "make the most of my best friend's engagement". Thankfully, it was working out well.

The event had no clear programme so everyone just had fun, helping themselves with food and drinks. Too nervous to eat much, especially with Ibrahim being so close, Ayra stuck to small chops and a long glass of the virgin fruit punch provided. When Ibrahim stepped aside to talk with some of his father's associates, Ibtihaj sneakily occupied the spot he'd vacated.

She linked her arm with Ayra's. "How do you feel, my dear?"

Ayra pulled her friend to a corner and then she let herself silently squeal. "Oh my God, Ibty!" She drew in a breath and then let it out. "God, Ibrahim is beautiful."

Ibtihaj did not hide her amusement as she dryly said "Tell me more."

Ayra slapped the other's arm. "I'm serious, you goat!" She rolled her eyes when Ibtihaj laughed. "God, Ibty. Being next to him in real life beats every dream I've had by a very far margin."

"This love thing seems sweet o."

"Get out!"

Ibtihaj laughed again. "You two look good together sha. Even though I'll still do hard-to-get so he can win me over, I won't deny the fact that you two look good side by side."

Warmth spread in Ayra's chest. "Yeah?"

Ibtihaj nodded. "Yeah." She then made a face. "But why is he so quiet? Person dey do like ghost."

"He's introverted, Ibty! I've told you this before."

"I did not think it was going to be this bad na. I can count how many words he's said tonight. Are you sure you can cope with this man? You wey like talk like there's no tomorrow."

"Ibty, he's a good listener and he's definitely going to talk more with me." Ayra smiled proudly. "I'm about to be his special person."

Ibtihaj hissed. "Me too, I go love." She hissed again when Ayra laughed and then she looked around. "I don't think you noticed but his friends aren't here."

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