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Plum Boulevard was the biggest residential district in Aomi and it housed a lot of beautiful houses and estates. Haven Estate was one of such beauties and amongst its residents were the Adeolas and Abdulazizs; the Adeolas owning House 47 while the Abdulazizs owned House 72, one of the last units in the gated community.

Each house in the estate was a fully detached duplex with four rooms, five baths, two living rooms, and a home study (library, or even a recreational space if the family so wanted) in individual compounds with fanciful wheeled gates. Every compound had a lovely, wide yard and while most people opted for gazebos, swings and pools, the Abdulazizs were one of those who left the space well-kept and green.

On a usual day, the backyard was a green plain with two short trees, tall yard lights and a stoned pathway in the middle that began from the backdoor of the kitchen and ended at the back fence. However this was not a normal day and the yard had been transformed to fit the status of an engagement party's venue; a party planned by Ayra herself once the Fahads had it suggested.

Round tables that comfortably took six gold panelled Chiavari chairs now sat on both sides of the yard's stoned pathway. A long table sat in a corner, strictly for the buffet dishes to be delivered by the catering company. Each table – meant for guests – was covered with off-white linen that had no wrinkle in sight. In the centre of every table were two floral arrangements that sat on both sides of tall, golden candle holders which held unlit candles. Earth brown placemats sat in front of each chair and on every placemat were symmetrically arranged dinnerware and creatively folded napkins.

There was a little dais stage with a floral arch. According to what Ayra had explained to the planning team that worked for her mother, the stage was for speeches and photos so the arch had to look pretty. The team knew better than to not come through with what she'd asked for. She was their boss's daughter after all and for as long as they'd known her; Ayra was the sweetest soul who deserved everything good.

Overseeing the execution of the event plans was a lady named Iris who'd trained the longest under Salama. She walked around with a clipboard in hand, ensuring everything was in perfect place. Evidently satisfied, she lowered the clipboard and smiled once she'd let out a relieved breath. The event would go well, she was sure of it.

Fishing out her phone from the deep pocket of her dress, she put a call across to the head of the catering team who assured her they were already in the estate; they were just a few houses away. Glad, Iris hung up and she turned around when the backdoor of the house went open.

Salama stepped out, removing her veil to reveal the black cup she wore underneath. She looked around, her steps slowing until she stopped in a spot. "Whoa..."

Iris had never been prouder of her work. She walked over. "Good?"

Salama nodded, her smile small and warm. "Perfect." She faced Iris. "You keep getting better and better."

"I learned from the best after all."

Salama laughed, nodding. "You did, and I'm very proud of you." She looked around again, her gaze lingering on the floral arch. "That has to be the highlight."

Iris had to agree. "It is. We made sure to get Leilanis, for good representation."

Salama walked towards the arch, easily spotting her favourite flower. "They never stop being beautiful."

"Just like the lady you named after them."

Salama laughed again. "You're flattering me and my daughter a lot this evening, Iris."

Iris grinned. "I am. I'm just really happy. Ayra's grown up really well and I know you're proud of her. I know you're happy too. She is engaged to the best family after all. The Fahads have a very good reputation and there are a million people who can vouch for them."

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