~*!Part 2: Negotiation!*~

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"Hello Grian!" Scar turned back to Grian with a warm smile.

Grian felt tortured by Scar calling him his actual name with such a warm and sweet smile, Grian scowled at Scar.

"You know Scar, you don't have to listen to Cub..." Grian's scowl turned to a smirk.

"Call us 'GoodTimeWithScar' and 'CubFan' Grian, it's not your right to shorten our names," Cub said, GoodTimeWithScar and CubFan were not their actual names, just their hero names.

"But GoodTimeWithScar is such a long nameee!" Grian said dramatically.

"I don't care what he calls me Cub!" Scar smiled.

""Scar yo-" Cub was cut off.

"It doesn't matter right now anyways," Scar says and turns to Grian. "Poul- I mean, Grian."

"Grian looks up at Scar, "What?" He asks.

"Do you want to help us capture the villain, 'MumboJumbo'?" Scar asks with a smile.

"Mumbo isn't a villain, he's a vigilante," Grian rolls his eyes, thinking Scar was an idiot.

"How do you know?" Scar asks.

"Because *I'm a villain* and he even came after me," Grian says, then starts to explain, "He goes after everyone that doesn't think the way he does."

Scar blinks at Grian.

"Then how does he think?" Cub asks ergently, pulling out a small notepad.

"He thinks that humanity is a plegue, that redstone is the only way to do anything, it's basically a god in his eyes and a cult," Grian sighs, "I didn't agree with him and he rigged my first cave a day later.

"Woah..." Scar just stands there like an idiot while Cub continues typing.

"Why do you want my help anywaysss?" Grian asks, suspicious of the two heroes.

"Because you're one of the strongest people we know, and we need help but everyone else either is scared of him or too weak to fight him..." Cub mumbles.

"What do I get out of helping you againnn?" Grian asks, still suspicious of them.

"You get whatever food you want, not just bread and water anymore," Cub says, he had already thought through it.

Grian laughs so hard he falls to the floor of his cell and holds his stomach, tears forming in his eyes as Cub gets a bit angry and Scar looks at him confused.

"You expect me to help you capture your enimy for some food!?" Grian laughs harder, not realizing he was serious.

"I don't think he'd be willing to help us..." Scar mumbled to Cub as Grian continued to laugh.

"I see that," Cub glares at Grian as he slowly starts to calm down.

"What if you get to leave here and live with me for a bit, then you get to be let go as long as you cooperate?" Scar asks without talking about it with Cub.


-459 Words-

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