~*!Part 7: Escape!*~

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Grian looked around the room and saw a window. This was the first window Grian had seen in Scar’s house for some odd reason.

He puts the last biscuit into his mouth and gets a knife, putting it under the bracelet, struggling for a moment, but managing to get it off.

He smiled and sprinted to the window, trying to open it. He struggles for a bit and starts to worry about when Scar will come back. Grain uses the knife and manages to get the door open enough for him to slip out.

Scar comes out of his room after processing for a moment and sees Grians wings go out the window.

Scar runs to the window and starts to yell out Grians name, calling for him to come back. He tries to go out the window after him but struggles, and falls into the bushes.

Grian ran, gathering up sand and running into a gunpowder store as Scar chased after him.

“Oh no…” Scar quickly stops and steps away from the store, just in time before it blew up

Grian ran out the back of the store laughing as the owner managed to get out alive.

Scar grabs someone's bow and arrow from them as they were about to shoot a target, but paused from the explosion, then aimed at Grian.

Grian looked back at Scar, then continued running.

Scar sighs and lowers the bow, handing it back to the person and walking back home.

Once he’s home he calls Cub with a sigh, not wanting to tell him that Grian got the bracelet off and managed to escape.

“Yes Scar?” Cub says after answering the phone.

“Grian escaped…” Scar mumbled.


-286 Words-

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