Stifling a laugh, the (H/C) girl walked up to her loyal companion who's tail was wagging expectantly. A few quiet and impatient barks passed through the canines teeth.

She reached the front door and tore down the leach from the coat rack causing the dog to get excited. He jump up from joy, spinning around and unintentionally herding her towards the door.

"Ok ok I'm going as fast as I can, calm down you maniac!" The (E/C) eyed girl giggled, holding the leash open and slipping it over the dogs thick skull. Once it was securely around the animals neck she let go of it for a moment to grab a light jacket.

The girl hadn't checked the weather so she wasn't exactly sure if it would be freezing tits off weather, or melting your balls kinda weather.

Canada can be quite bipolar.

She opened the door to her dorm, stopping her dog before he could bolt down the halls like the manic he is and scooped him up.

She carried the now flailing and whining dog who hated being picked hurts his pride.

See, her college wasn't against pets, it's more so the size of them. They said that as long as you can carry the animal around in the halls then they couldn't care less, the only thing is she had a 95 pound German shepherd.

Max, her dog, was quite literally her best friend, not only that but he's an older dog, ancient if you will. At least for a German shepherd.

He's a staggering 15 years old! How is that possible..?! Even she doesn't know. She simply got around the colleges rules by carrying her dog around the halls. The administrators weren't to happy about it, but she technically wasn't breaking any rules and no one had complained, so begrudgingly they allow her to do as she pleased.

You might also be wondering why this fine young lady didn't just leave her dog alone at home? Well, her father is rarely home and his girlfriend wasn't comfortable with being alone with a big dog. She knew Max was old and needed lots of attention, along with keeping up with the pain meds. So she decided that she didn't want her sweet childhood dog to die by himself and brought him with her to college.

She expected that she would only have a few months with him before he would inevitably pass from old age. The only problem was that this dog isn't she's not gonna complain but I mean the dog is somehow still alive and HEALTHY! Even the vets don't know how this dog, especially at his size, is still walking and even running at times.

It also helps that Max isn't a purebred shepherd, so he doesn't have all the really bad hip problems most German shepherds have.

A few students stuck there heads out of their dorm rooms to see the (H/C) girl carrying her protesting dog, who was barking and whining like a mad man, or mad dog 🤣. (Heheh- laugh.)

She simply smiled and nodded at the staring eyes. She was use to this and so was everyone else in the building.

"Jesus (Y/N), that dogs still alive?!" Some random dude that she couldn't remember nor care for commented. She playfully scoffed at his words, raising her brows and smirked.

"Shocking I know, it's also shocking that you don't seem to be hung over this morning Todd," the (E/C) woman replied, snickering at his confused face.

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