.01 The Beginning.

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On a rainy night,in Japan Tokyo Highschool three teens were sneaking into the school.

They successfully fooled around the guard and entered the hallway.

They were not scared of guards nor the cctv cause they knew the guards never check it.

They were walking slowly yet consciously.

????:- Don't forget for what we
have came for.

????:-Yeah!we know.We came here to find your so called pendant.

????:- I don't get why you went to the library and drop the pendant there?You usually never go to libraries.

????:-Hana and Emi,would you guys stop.Iam literally stressed from some days

Hana:-Why?what happened?

Emi:- yeah you seem normal to us Meyooka.

Meyooka:- I don't know why but from somedays I am restless and today when I found out that I lost my pendant I can't sit there.And dad was also asking me that am I alright. He was also checking the calendar time to time.

Hana:- Your just overthinking don't worry,we will find the pendant asap and leave from here and then sleep.

They become quite.Soon they reached the library.The library door was locked.They searched windows and for luck one of it was unlocked.They enter the library through it.Just when they enters and took a step a guard passed by through the hallway.Luckily he didn't saw them.

Soon they started to search for the pendant all around.They were searching it quietly but suddenly Meyooka walked like she was possessed by someone or something to an open window which was facing the school ground and she stared at the full moon for couple of minutes.

It's rare that during heavy rain the moon was still visible.Then she summoned something under her breath.Then a lighting strike infront of her distantly in between the trees and she came back to her sense.Then she realised that she can't remember what she had said.

Suddenly everything went black.Meyooka reached to call others but it seemed like she was in an illusional place she couldn't feel anything nor hear anything.She was scared as hell.She tried to calm herself.She try to snap out of her dream but nothing worked.

Suddenly she heard a voice.....

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