Chapter Eight

Começar do início

And then she blasted one of them with a huge lightning bolt and then she manipulated the heat around them and made the mansaurs burn as she put them all on fire

But the mansaurs were too durable to be killed by fire alone so she raised her sword up in the air and summoned lightning with it before sending it straight to were the mansaurs were and when the lightning bolt hit the fire

There was a huge explosion that blew the mansaurs up in pieces, so then she helped the people there to get out of that area as a portal opened up and she walked into it and then the portal opened up in Estaban's library as she met up with Estaban as he was researching on how he was going to fix the magical mishap

Dennis struck her sword on the table as she was looking very pissed off and then she said to him

"You better tell me what's going on here or I'll beat it outta you!"

"You wouldn't dare"

Estaban said as Dennis glared at him and then she said

"Try me"

Estaban saw that she was determined and wasn't bluffing so he decided to give in and tell her everything, well almost everything

"I was casting a spell to bring back someone I lost but something went wrong and all this monsters appeared from nowhere and started killing everyone, I sent Amy to find an Arcandus Sentinel that'll be able to help me out take care of these monsters while I fix this"

"And what's your plan actually?"

"The plan is simple but complex, I was able to locate the origin point of the portal that brought them here, I have developed a magical orb as you might call it in order to shut down the portal permanently but I'll need to get close to the portal and throw it inside the portal in order to shut it down"

"Why haven't you done so then?"

"Because the entire place is surrounded by some kind of energy that will corrupt anyone that gets close even if I put up a magical barrier against this energy it won't give me enough time to throw in the orb before getting corrupted"

"So you need me to throw in the orb into the portal, what makes you think I won't get corrupted?"

"Because Arcandus Sentinels are known for their resistance to corruption, their abilities enable them to resist the dark energy that can corrupt other beings, they're even resistant to telepathic attacks"

"Oh really well looks like you know quite a lot about us"

"What can I say, I like to study"

"Why didn't you tell me all this from the beginning?"

"Well you know, I like to keep up the suspense"

"Hmmm whatever, open up a portal and let's get this over with"

"I can't because if I do the dark energy might corrupt the portal and it'll send that energy to other parts of the island if not the outside world"

"I see so we might have to ride horses to that location"

"Yeah but we would have to stop somewhere and trek the rest outta it"

"That's fine by me, let's go"

Dennis said as the both of them set out to go on an adventure but they met Amy on the way out

"Looks like you two are going to that place"

"Yes we are Amy, I want you to take care of this place for me okay"

Estaban said as Amy just nodded and Dennis said

"See you soon Amy"

"Yeah.. sure"

Amy replied but it seemed she was hiding something and Dennis noticed it but decided to let it go for the main time and they got on their horses and left.

Amaya was riding her motorcycle down a lonely highway when suddenly two cars approached her and blocked her way

Two other car came from behind and stopped immediately blocking and route she would use to escape

Armed men came out of the cars and surrounded her and then one of the men said

"Surrender now or die! Either way we're taking you alive or dead!"

"Hmm this should be interesting"

Amaya said as she threw one of her scythes at the man and it went right through his forehead

The others saw this and started shooting at her, she used her other scythe to block and deflect some of the bullets then using her speed she punched off some of the armed men

And then she blasted some of them with red lightning bolts and created a huge fire ball and threw it towards a car and this caused an explosion and the car and the other one beside it flew off, clearing the way for her

But she was not done yet, she used her scythe to decapitate and kill most of the men and then she picked up her second scythe and used it to slit a man's throat and then she went towards an injured man who was on the floor and then she asked

"Who sent you and your goons?"

"I know what you're going to do to me if I don't talk and besides I don't want to die that way so I'll talk if you agree that my death would be painless"

Amaya just nodded and then he said

"It was Big Fisk, a Mafia Boss in New York, he took interest in you after he saw what you did at his bar"

"Sure of course he did"

"He sent his right hand man known as Richard Handason to track you down and bring you to him"

"I see well thank you for the information, now it's to do my part"

Amaya said as she snapped the man's neck afterwards immediately killing him and then she got on her motorcycle and drove off

Richard was watching the whole thing unfold from a safe distance and as Amaya left, he just put on his dark shades and got into his car and drove off.

The Arcandox Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora