The Mark of Nimeuh

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Arthur and Josephine watch the town with sad eyes. "There's nothing that can be done?" Arthur asked the princess.

"Merlin needs to know about Nimueh, and Uther needs to know she's around," Josephine replied, "We're making sure they won't feel pain though," she added. Arthur nods, he was glad they could at least do that.

"That part is good," some people say, while others question. "Who the fuck is Nimueh?" while Mariel looked a little excited realizing she got to see how her father dealt with Nimueh. She had been told by him, but seeing it is different.

"What happened, though?" some students question.

Owen leaned over towards Mariel, "Is this when your dad inadvertently gets my mom thrown in jail?" he asked.

Mariel then looked a little awkward, "I think so..."


"Aren't you scared?" Merlin asked Gaius as he was observing a body.

"Of what?" Gaius asked.

"That you might catch what it is?" Merlin added.

"It doesn't travel through the air," Morticia spoke behind them. Both of them turned to face her, "Unfortunately this isn't something I nor my Mistress can stop...there's another body a few streets over," she said, "I must get back to Mistress, she's seeing a lot of the deaths," she informs them and heads back.

"I still can't believe we know Death," Merlin said under his breath. He won't lie and say didn't think to go to Morticia and Josephine first or that he thought there was some possibility they were involved, but Morticia coming to them and telling them that stuff proved he was wrong.

"About me being scared, I'm the court physician, Merlin. This is a part of my job. If Morticia specifically came by to warn us about this, then..." Gaius rolled the corpse over, reveal sickly white skin and white eyes of the corpse.

Students scream and cower seeing the corpse. Lucius briefly sees Enyd, Sirius, James, and Regulus roll their eyes and believes he may be right about Enyd actually being the daughter of Death and the brothers being her companions.

"Then we have something to worry about, but we have to let as little people see this, they will panic. Let's get the other body," Gaius says. They gather up both bodies to wheel them away from view.

"What are you doing?" Gwen asked, coming up to them with flowers in her hands.

"Er...just moving something," Merlin replied.

"Looks heavy," Gwen observed.

"You have no idea," Merlin groaned, not like he was carrying two bodies or anything., "Did someone get you flowers?" he asked.

"Oh! No," Gwen let out a small laugh, "Would you like one?" she asked, "A purple one. Purple suits you. Not that I'm saying red doesn't suit you," she said holding out a purple flower.

"Thanks. Well, er..." Merlin trailed off, putting the flower in his scarf looked back up at the smiling Gwen, "Er...see you," he says, catching Gaius' impatience.

"Bye," Gwen waved as she walked away.

"They would be so cute together," a Gryffindor girl exclaim.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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