Part 12

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~~The next morning~~

You wake up and find that the boys are still asleep, Dean next to you and Sam strewn across the homely chairs in the room. You move to sit up but find that an impossible task, seeing that Dean's arms are wrapped around your waist, holding you down against him. So you do the next best thing, contemplating pushing him off the bed, you use the control pad and put the mattress into a sitting position.

"Good morning miss, I brought you some food." A nurse says walking in with a pile of food on a tray. "You're cleared to leave today. Just call for anybody when you're ready. And you two are a really cute couple" She says setting down the tray on a table before turning and leaving.

You look at the food on the tray and find none of it appetizing, so you push it away. You could just ask Dean to stop and get some food on the way home. The clock hanging on the opposite wall notifies you that it's almost 5 am, none of you would be awake right now, well maybe Cas. You wonder how he's holding up at the bunker, knowing Cas he didn't know how to get food and is now starving.

A few hours later and Sam wakes up, rolling out of the hard chairs he had bunched together, he looks over to see you intently watching his every move. You have no intention to wake Dean up before you have to, and if Sam does that while he's still asleep on you, you might be just a bit upset.

"Morning (y/n). How long have you been awake for?" Sam asks rubbing his eyes then stretching his legs, they're long enough to touch the bed from the wall.

"Just a little bit." You say, not wanting to worry him, Sam always asks you to wake him up when you do.

"Alright. Well should we wake up Dean?" Sam says standing up and walking to the end of the bed.

"No, I like him while he's sleeping. It's so peaceful." You murmur, stroking Dean's bed-head. "You should go get some breakfast, their food here is disgusting." You say pointing to the sponge of what is supposed to be eggs.

"Alright what would you want." Sam says.

"I dunno, surprise me with something good. And be sure to get something for Dean and Cas too." You say, smiling down at your boyfriend.

"Ok, well I'll be back." Sam says, rolling his eyes and walking out the door.

While Sam's gone you read a book that was on the table, it's one of Chuck's that was about your life. What it's doing in a hospital, the world will never know.

When Sam comes back Dean is, surprise, still asleep on you. You laid back down some time ago, your faces inches apart. You try waking him up several times while Sam is sorting out the food, but fail time after time until Sam intervenes. Sam walks over and pinches Deans ear, making him jump and start to get angry. You kiss him before he has the chance to say anything which calms him down promptly.

"Ok lovebirds come get your food." Sam says getting his strange fruit cup and taking a stand in the corner.

You go to stand up, but go too fast, making you have to sit back down. Dean chuckles bringing you your food and sits next to you with his own food.

"Where are we going to get help from?" You ask, what Dean said earlier going through your head.

"What? Oh yeah, that." Dean says pushing his food around with a fork. "We have some friends that would be ok with helping." Dean says taking some of your fries.

"Gabriel and Crowley like you, so I bet they would help." Sam says taking out his phone and sending them each a message. In the next five seconds the king of hell and an arch angel are standing in your hospital room.

"Hello Moose, squirrel, and (y/n)." Crowley says taking your hand and kissing it, Dean glares daggers at him the entire time. You wipe your hand off on your leg then scoot a little closer to Dean, worried about what Gabriel might do.

"Hey, it's my favorite group of humans!" Gabe says walking over to hug you, Dean scowls at him as he does, you squeak slightly from the tight grasp. "What kind of trouble did you get yourself into girlie?" Gabriel asks backing away from you to stand next to Crowley.

"I'm gonna get shipped away if we can't get in good with a government guy." You say, you avoid too many details you might end up crying.

"We need the bunker to look like an actual house." Sam says from his spot in the corner.

"I'll help you love. I don't know how much you should let him design your house." Crowley says giving Gabe a sideways glare.

"As long as you and Samsquatch are there, I'll help you too." Gabe says throwing you a wink.

"I'll meet you there." Crowley and Gabe say at the same time then disappear from the room with Sam as well, leaving just you and Dean to get checked out of the hospital.

It takes almost an hour to flag down a nurse and get the I.V. out of your arm and the paperwork in Deans hands. Sam had brought cloths for you but seeing as he was transported back to the bunker, you won't be getting those cloths, so you try to get some of Deans cloths from him.

"Hey baby, there's a slight problem." You say, trying for sympathy points.

"What is..... Oh." Dean says looking at you with a sheet wrapped around you, covering what the hospital gown couldn't.

"Mind giving me a few layers?" You say, eyeing his plaid shirt, it would make a suitable dress for you.

"I dunno (y/n), I don't mind this." He says chuckling at you, you roll your eyes at him then start to pout.

"Please Dean." You say, giving him Sams puppy face. Dean sighs and hands you his plaid shirt, you run off into the bathroom and put it on, it goes almost all the way to your knees. You'll put on other cloths when you get back to the bunker.

You walk back out and stand in front of Dean, he looks up at you from signing random places on the paper and grins.

"Look at you." He says getting up and hugging you, when he does you undo his belt and take it off of him and wrap it around yourself. "Hey, that holds up my pants." Dean says taking a step back and looking at your new accessory.

"Too bad, it's holding up my boobs now." You say and walk past Dean and into the halls, on the way to the parking lot. Dean follows you and hands whatever papers he had to a nurse and leads you out to the parking lot and to the Impala. Now, on your way home, again.

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